Sales Technology Highlights of The Week: 19-October-2020: Featuring Dell Technologies, SAP, Channel Advisor, Oracle And Lots More!

How are business and sales leaders finding new ways to increase their win rate in the last quarter of 2020? While technology marketers and B2B sales leaders identify new opportunities and strategies that are meant to drive business ROI despite the global pandemic, SaaS and tech providers have kept pace with features that are built to enable sales efforts despite the current economic challenges.

Know more from this weekly salestech highlight!

SalesTech Quote-of-the-Week!

Commitment to customer success, especially during the sales cycle, remains paramount. When the pandemic started, we told our employees that we are in this together and would navigate the crisis, together. The same has to be with our customers. We aim to forge long-lasting, trusted partnerships with our customers. That sometimes entails, to the extent possible, making the right investments to provide some short-term relief in difficult times. For example, when in financial distress, we’ve been able to be creative with our customers on payment terms and licensing fees to provide the much needed temporary relief to help them quickly get started or recover.

Jean-Philippe Durrios, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operations Officer at DISQO

Top SalesTech News of The Week

SalesTech QnA With The Expert

SalesTechStar Interview with Tiffany Coletti Kaiser, EVP of Marketing at Digital Remedy
Read More!

As we evolve as an economy and a community of marketers, it has and will continue to become even more important to build flexibility into everything. Having worked closely with clients in a crisis management capacity—unfortunately, frequently—this moment is a good reminder to write playbooks that have the capacity to evolve. Never bet everything on black. Never assume everything will go to plan. Have a back-up to the back-up.

Top Articles on Preventing Ad Fraud, Implementing IVAs, Accelerating Sales with Peer Reviews

If you’re looking for quick tips on improving your video marketing ROI, or boosting revenue in this last quart, don’t miss these Podcasts with leaders from PandaDoc, RiskIQ, Vidyard and (many more!) SaaS Companies, where they share interesting insights. Have a quick listen!

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