SalesTech Star

Measuring The Impact Of Sales Enablement Initiatives – Tracking  Key Metrics

**The primary author of this staff article is Sakshi John

As the sales landscape is evolving rapidly, the role of sales enablement is more important than ever in today’s quickly changing sales industry, as the buying process has become more complex than ever. These experts are in high demand worldwide, and it is clear that they are essential to building productive sales teams.

Sales organizations are always looking for ways to empower their people and improve performance. Increasing sales has been a vital tactic in accomplishing these objectives. Sales enablement functions as a catalyst for boosting sales success by giving sales representatives the tools, information, and resources they need to interact with prospects and close deals.

Businesses should understand how sales enablement boosts productivity before increasing their efforts. The sales enablement team’s overarching objective is to guarantee that sales professionals have the appropriate instruction, resources, and tools to enable them to close deals more successfully.

What Is Sales Enablement?

A strategic strategy known as “sales enablement” aims to provide sales teams with the tools, information, and assistance they require to interact with prospects and customers efficiently during the whole sales process. Giving sales representatives thorough training on products, sales strategies, and industry knowledge is one way to make sure they are prepared to handle client demands and overcome objections.

The process of developing and implementing different technologies and tools for sales, like customer relationship management (CRM) systems, sales content management platforms, and analytics tools, is also known as sales enablement. Automating administrative chores, streamlining sales processes, and offering insightful data on consumer behavior and preferences are all made possible by these solutions.

Furthermore, encouraging collaboration as well as coordination amongst marketing, sales, and other cross-functional teams inside a company is another aspect of sales enablement. Sales enablement ensures that everyone is working toward the same objectives and consistently communicating with clients by promoting communication and information exchange across departments.

In general, the goal of sales enablement is to provide sales teams with the tools they need to perform their jobs more successfully and efficiently, which will eventually improve customer satisfaction and business outcomes.

Sales Enablement – A Crucial Function:

A sufficient indicator of the field’s growth is the hundreds of sales enablement jobs that are accessible globally. This is an incredibly important role, considering the rising fluidity of the purchasing process and the complex set of sales talents and skills needed to handle that new buying journey.

A skilled sales enablement team is aware of what data to provide, when to provide it, what capabilities need to be developed, and how to develop them. They are aware of the dynamic nature of the sales cycle and the potential immediate impact of collateral. They can see the sale from the customer’s point of view and deliver the material that they want before they even know they want it.

The Need For Digital Solutions For Sales Enablement

The sales enablement capabilities work in conjunction with digital selling tools In actuality, the rise in the use of digital solutions for sales enablement has only increased the significance of sales enablement teams. When automation and digitization fail to provide insights, a strong enablement team can extract the important information. Maybe this explains why, according to an Accenture study, 59% of salespeople claim to have more tools than they can utilize.

Sales enablement discovers the signal amid the noise. According to the report, “agents are simply awash in more product data, competitor data, and customer data than they can now effectively absorb or use.” As a result, a robust sales enablement team is necessary for a successful sales strategy.

Here, we look at why productivity and talent management are the two most important components for any company trying to develop a successful sales plan.

Empowering Your Sales Engine: The Role of Sales Enablement

Consider your sales force to be a top-tier race vehicle. They can close deals fast and efficiently, but they can’t perform to their fullest capacity without the proper support and direction. Sales enablement fills that need.

The strategic approach of providing your sales staff with the necessary tools, resources, and expertise to succeed at every point of the sales cycle is known as sales enablement. It involves more than just pushing technology or content at them. It involves offering a thorough system that enables them to:

  • Engage Prospects Successfully: Sales enablement assists representatives in establishing rapport with prospects and delivering persuasive value propositions by providing training in communication techniques, product expertise, and addressing objections.
  • Streamline Sales Processes: Sales enablement provides automated tools and explicit sales processes to streamline workflows. This saves reps time and lets them concentrate on completing transactions.
  • Attend to Customer Needs: Sales enablement gives representatives a thorough awareness of market trends and customer problem concerns. This enables them to customize their strategy and offerings to surpass client expectations.

Beyond Getting Ready: Increasing Self-Belief and Drive

Sales enablement is more than just getting representatives ready. It encourages a culture of lifelong learning and growth, giving them the self-assurance and drive they require to succeed. Representatives feel encouraged and supported to close deals and eventually reach their sales goals through participation in knowledge-sharing programs, getting access to relevant content (such as case studies and product demos), and continuous coaching.

So, what is the outcome? You get a sales team that is eager to use their expertise to boost sales and advance company success. Sales enablement is more than just giving representatives product knowledge. It includes a comprehensive strategy that considers each phase of the sales cycle. This comprises of the following:

  1. Content Creation: Content creation is the process of creating excellent material that appeals to target audiences, such as case studies, sales presentations, and product brochures.
  2. Training & Coaching: Providing representatives with continuous training programs that provide them the abilities and information they need to address consumer objections and negotiate challenging sales interactions.
  3. Process Optimization: Process optimization is the establishment of precise, effective sales procedures that guarantee consistency and reduce effort wastage. Therefore, the application of CRM systems, sales automation technologies, and sales intelligence platforms is crucial to streamlining these procedures. It helps in managing customer relationships, optimizing workflows, and obtaining insightful data.

Sales enablement encourages the development of a more capable and productive sales team by funding these components. Sales representatives can spend more time interacting with clients and closing deals by spending less time looking for information or fumbling with complicated procedures. As evidenced by shorter sales cycles, higher win rates, and eventually higher revenue production, this equates to clearly enhanced sales performance.

Benefits Of Sales Enablement Tactics/ Programs

Businesses experience a paradigm shift when they implement sales enablement programs, which provide a host of advantages that improve customer interaction, maximize resource allocation, and increase sales effectiveness. We explore seven key benefits of adopting sales enablement tactics below.

1. Revenue Enhancement 

Sales enablement gives your sales team the resources, information, and tools they need to take advantage of opportunities. Stronger close rates, shorter sales cycles, and increased income streams are the results of empowered sellers, and they will eventually lead your company to meet its financial goals.

2. Increased Sales Productivity:

Sales enablement frees up sales personnel to focus on revenue-generating activities by automating sales processes and reducing administrative constraints. Improved communication and streamlined processes encourage departmental synergies, especially with marketing, and create a cooperative environment that is favorable to creativity and production.

3. Accelerated Onboarding:

Sales enablement provides new hires with the necessary product knowledge, procedural insights, and skill sets to integrate them into the sales ecosystem as quickly as possible. An organized onboarding process guarantees quick assimilation into the group, reducing ramp-up times and strengthening sales competence from the start.

4. Best Use of Technology

Sales enablement programs determine the tactical use of technology resources that help in setting business goals using a thorough analysis. Through the use of measures such as adoption rates and content effectiveness, organizations may assess the usefulness of technology and make the most informed decisions, ultimately giving them a competitive advantage.

5. Consistent Messaging:

Coherent, unified messaging strengthens brand integrity and fosters customer trust, which increases the resonance of your value offer. Maintaining a consistent communication style across several touchpoints improves brand remember and speeds up decision-making.

6. Improved Customer Engagement:

Value-driven, tailored interactions are critical at a time when consumers are well-informed. Sales enablement provides sellers with the knowledge and tools they need to customize interactions to each client’s unique needs, resulting in stronger bonds, increased happiness, and improved customer experiences.

7. Data-Driven Decision-Making:

By providing executives with actionable insights derived from thorough analytics, sales enablement technologies promote proactive opportunity management and well-informed decision-making. Organizations may optimize resource allocation, improve sales tactics, and reduce risks by utilizing data on sales performance, customer behavior, and market trends.

To put it simply, sales enablement strengthens competitive advantage and propels organizational growth beyond traditional sales paradigms. Adopting these tactics enables companies to successfully negotiate changing market conditions with adaptability, durability, and efficiency, resulting in long-term success in the always-changing business environment.

The Challenge of Quantifying Value: Proving ROI in Sales Enablement

Although sales enablement has many advantages, getting and keeping organizational support for these initiatives can be difficult. The results of sales enablement programs may take longer to show their full impact than those of a fresh marketing campaign with a clear return on advertising spend (ROAS).

This is because many variables affect sales effectiveness, making it challenging to pinpoint the precise role that sales enablement programs play.

How can we be sure that our investment in sales enablement is paying off? It is a question that executives frequently ask. It is a legitimate question, and the difficulty is in proving the measurable contribution that these projects make. Therefore, the use of sale enablement metrics comes into the picture.

Let’s see what are these and why are these metrics important. We will also delve into the depth of these key metrics to understand how they help in evaluating the success of sales enablement programs.

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What Are Sales Enablement Metrics?

Sales enablement metrics are key performance indicators (KPIs) used to measure the effectiveness and impact of sales enablement efforts within an organization. Sales enablement refers to the processes, tools, and resources provided to sales teams to help them effectively engage with prospects and customers throughout the sales process.

Enter the Metrics: Measuring Success in Sales Enablement

How to measure success in sales enablement? The answer lies in a data-driven approach. By tracking key metrics that tie back to sales enablement efforts, organizations can gain valuable insights into the impact of these programs and showcase their ROI.

Following are a few sale enablement metrics:

a) Sales Productivity or sales conversion rate

Measures the efficiency of the sales team in converting leads into customers. This metric helps identify areas where sales reps may need additional support or training to improve their productivity. This measures the percentage of leads or prospects that convert into customers. It helps gauge the effectiveness of the sales team in closing deals.

b) Win Rate

Calculates the percentage of opportunities that result in a closed sale. Monitoring win rates can help identify which sales strategies and tactics are most effective in converting prospects into customers.

c) Time to Quota

Measures the amount of time it takes for a sales rep to achieve their sales quota. This metric helps assess the effectiveness of sales training, onboarding processes, and overall sales performance.

d) Content Engagement

Tracks how sales content (such as presentations, case studies, and whitepapers) is being utilized by the sales team and how prospects are engaging with it. This helps determine the effectiveness of sales content and enables continuous improvement.

e) Lead Response Time

Measures how quickly sales reps respond to leads or inquiries from prospects. A shorter lead response time is typically associated with higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

f) Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Calculates the total revenue generated from a customer over their entire relationship with the company. Understanding CLV helps prioritize sales efforts on high-value customers and tailor sales strategies accordingly.

g) Sales Cycle Length

Measures the average time it takes for a prospect to move through the sales process from initial contact to closing the deal. Shortening the sales cycle can improve efficiency and lead to increased revenue.

h) Sales Pipeline Velocity

Sales velocity measures the speed at which deals move through the sales pipeline from initial contact to closing. It helps identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement in the sales process. Increasing pipeline velocity indicates improved efficiency in closing deals and generating revenue.

By tracking these metrics, organizations can gain insights into the effectiveness of their sales enablement efforts, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their sales processes. Ultimately, sales enablement metrics help organizations drive revenue growth and improve overall sales performance.

Now, let’s look at some common sales enablement metrics:

a) Content Engagement Metrics

These include metrics such as the number of downloads, views, or shares of sales content (e.g., presentations, case studies, whitepapers) by prospects and customers. It helps assess the relevance and effectiveness of sales collateral.

b) Training and Development Metrics

These metrics evaluate the effectiveness of sales training programs and the level of proficiency attained by sales reps. They may include metrics such as training completion rates, assessment scores, and performance improvements post-training.

c) Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS)

While not directly related to sales enablement, these metrics can indicate how well the sales process aligns with customer needs and expectations.

d) Sales Enablement ROI

This metric quantifies the return on investment (ROI) of sales enablement initiatives by comparing the cost of implementing sales enablement programs against the resulting increase in sales revenue or other relevant business outcomes.

By tracking these metrics, organizations can identify areas for improvement, optimize their sales enablement strategies, and ultimately drive better sales performance and business growth.

In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into the specific metrics within each category of the Three Ps Framework, explore the benefits of tracking them, and discuss best practices for implementing a data-driven approach to measuring the impact of sales enablement initiatives.

The Three Ps Framework

The Three Ps Framework categorizes key metrics into three main areas: Performance Metrics, Proficiency Metrics, and Productivity Metrics. The concept of using a Three Ps Framework helps to identify and track metrics that represent the core dimensions of successful sales enablement. Let’s look at these three P’s:

1. Performance Metrics:

These metrics focus directly on sales outcomes, such as sales cycle length, win rates, revenue generated, and quota attainment. Showing an improvement in these metrics after implementing sales enablement initiatives strengthens the case for their effectiveness in driving sales performance.

  • Sales Cycle Length

Measures the average time it takes to convert a lead into a closed deal. Shorter cycles typically indicate higher efficiency and effectiveness in the sales process.

  • Win Rates

Calculate the percentage of opportunities that result in a successful sale. Higher win rates indicate a stronger ability to close deals.

  • Revenue Generated

Tracks the total sales revenue generated by the sales team within a specific period, reflecting the overall effectiveness of sales efforts.

  • Quota Attainment

Measures the extent to which sales representatives meet or exceed their assigned sales targets. It reflects individual and team performance against set goals.

2. Proficiency Metrics:

These metrics assess the knowledge and skill development of sales reps. Tracking content completion rates for training modules, certification exam passing rates, and customer satisfaction with rep interactions through surveys can reveal how effectively sales enablement programs are equipping reps with the necessary tools to succeed.

  • Content Completion Rates for Training Modules

Tracks the percentage of sales reps who complete training modules or courses provided by the organization. It indicates the level of engagement and knowledge acquisition.

  • Certification Exam Passing Rates

Measures the percentage of sales reps who pass certification exams after completing training programs. It reflects the proficiency and mastery of key skills and knowledge.

  • Customer Satisfaction with Rep Interactions (Surveys)

Gauges customer satisfaction levels based on their interactions with sales representatives. Feedback from surveys helps assess the effectiveness of sales reps in meeting customer needs and building positive relationships.

3. Productivity Metrics:

These metrics focus on efficiency and rep activity. By tracking the number of sales calls made, proposals submitted, and time spent using sales enablement tools, organizations can identify areas where sales enablement initiatives are streamlining workflows and improving rep productivity.

  • Number of Sales Calls Made

Tracks the total number of outbound sales calls initiated by each sales rep within a given timeframe. It reflects the level of activity and outreach.

  • Number of Proposals Submitted

Measures the quantity of sales proposals or quotes submitted to prospects. It indicates the volume of sales opportunities pursued by the sales team.

  • Time Spent Using Sales Enablement Tools

Measures the amount of time sales reps spend utilizing sales enablement tools such as CRM systems, sales automation platforms, or content repositories. It reflects the adoption and utilization of technology to support sales activities and processes.

By categorizing metrics according to the Three Ps Framework, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of their sales enablement efforts, identify areas for improvement, and drive better sales performance. By leveraging this framework and tracking relevant metrics, sales enablement teams can move beyond anecdotal evidence and build a compelling case for the value their programs bring to the organization.

Benefits Of Using Sales Enablement Metrics

Metrics offer a measurable means of evaluating the effectiveness of sales teams and individual salespeople. Sales managers can determine their areas of strength and areas for progress by monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) like conversion rates, win rates, and sales velocity.

Targeted coaching and training initiatives are made possible by this data-driven strategy, which improves overall sales effectiveness. Metrics are useful for gathering information about the preferences, behavior, and purchasing patterns of customers.

Sales teams can adjust their strategies to better suit the requirements and preferences of their customers by examining data on customer interactions, engagement levels, and purchase history. This results in more individualized and successful sales tactics that raise customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Tracking metrics in sales enablement offers many other benefits that are listed below:

  • Performance Evaluation

Metrics provide tangible data for evaluating the performance of sales teams and individual reps. By tracking metrics like sales cycle length, win rates, and revenue generated, organizations can identify areas of strength and weakness, allowing for targeted improvements.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making

Metrics enable data-driven decision-making processes. Instead of relying on assumptions or gut feelings, organizations can use real-time data to make informed decisions about sales strategies, resource allocation, and process optimizations.

  • Identifying Trends and Patterns

Continuous tracking of metrics allows organizations to identify trends and patterns over time. By analyzing historical data, they can uncover insights into customer behavior, sales performance, and market dynamics, enabling them to adapt strategies accordingly.

  • Performance Improvement

Metrics serve as benchmarks for measuring progress and performance improvement. By setting clear targets based on historical data and industry standards, organizations can establish goals for sales teams and motivate reps to achieve higher levels of performance.

  • Optimizing Sales Processes

Metrics highlight inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the sales process. By analyzing metrics related to productivity, sales cycle length, and win rates, organizations can identify areas for process optimization and implement changes to streamline workflows and improve overall efficiency.

  • Resource Allocation

Tracking metrics helps organizations allocate resources effectively. By identifying which sales strategies, channels, or campaigns yield the highest returns, organizations can allocate resources (such as budget, personnel, and time) to those areas with the greatest potential for success.

  • Measuring ROI

Metrics enable organizations to measure the return on investment (ROI) of sales enablement initiatives. By tracking metrics related to revenue generated, quota attainment, and sales effectiveness, organizations can assess the impact of their sales enablement efforts and make adjustments as needed to maximize ROI.

  • Continuous Improvement Culture

Regular tracking of metrics fosters a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. By regularly reviewing and analyzing data, teams can identify opportunities for improvement, experiment with new approaches, and iterate on strategies to drive better results over time.

Overall, tracking metrics in sales enablement provides valuable insights, drives performance improvement, and enables organizations to make data-driven decisions that lead to greater sales success and business growth.

Finding, Comparing, and Evaluating Sales Enablement Metrics

Identifying, benchmarking, and analyzing sales enablement metrics involves a systematic approach to ensure meaningful insights and actionable recommendations. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Identify Relevant Metrics:

Begin by identifying the key areas of focus for your sales enablement efforts. These may include sales performance, training effectiveness, productivity, customer satisfaction, etc. Consult with stakeholders including sales leaders, marketing teams, and customer service representatives to gather input on the most critical metrics for your organization. Consider industry best practices and standards to guide your selection of metrics that align with your business goals and objectives.

  • Benchmark Against Industry Standards:

Research industry benchmarks and standards to gain insights into typical performance levels and expectations within your sector. Compare your current performance metrics against industry benchmarks to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Keep in mind that benchmarks should be relevant to your specific industry, market segment, and business model to ensure meaningful comparisons.

  • Set Baselines and Targets:

Establish baseline measurements for each selected metric to serve as a reference point for future evaluations. Set realistic targets and goals based on industry benchmarks, historical performance data, and organizational objectives. Ensure that targets are challenging yet achievable and that they align with broader business priorities.

  • Implement Data Collection and Reporting Systems:

Implement systems and processes for collecting, aggregating, and analyzing relevant data sources. Utilize sales enablement tools, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, learning management systems (LMS), and other technology platforms to capture and track key metrics. Define clear procedures for data collection, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and completeness of the data.

  • Regularly Monitor and Analyze Metrics:

Establish a regular cadence for monitoring and analyzing sales enablement metrics, whether it’s weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Use data visualization techniques such as charts, graphs, and dashboards to visualize trends, patterns, and outliers. Conduct root cause analysis to understand the factors driving changes in key metrics, and identify opportunities for improvement.

  • Iterate and Adjust Strategies:

Use insights from metric analysis to inform decision-making and adjust sales enablement strategies as needed. Continuously iterate and refine your approach based on performance data and feedback from stakeholders. Experiment with different tactics and interventions to optimize performance and achieve desired outcomes.

  • Communicate Findings and Recommendations:

Share findings and insights from metric analysis with relevant stakeholders across the organization. Communicate progress towards goals, successes, challenges, and areas for improvement transparently and regularly.

Use data-driven insights to guide discussions and decision-making, fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement. By following these steps, organizations can effectively identify, benchmark, and analyze sales enablement metrics to drive performance improvements and achieve strategic objectives.

Addressing The Challenges of Measuring KPIs

Measuring the impact of sales enablement initiatives can be challenging at times because the nature of sales performance factors apart from various other factors that influence these initiatives are complex. One of the main challenges is separating the unique effects of sales enablement from other factors that can potentially affect sales results, such as shifts in the market environment, adjustments to consumer preferences and tastes, and variations in competition activity.

To address these challenges successfully, organizations need to employ several strategies listed below:

  1. Set Baselines: Before putting sales enablement programs into action, set baselines for important performance indicators. This offers a standard by which the effects of further modifications can be evaluated. Organizations can evaluate sales enablement initiatives more precisely by comparing post-implementation data to baseline measures.
  2. Control Teams: The performance of teams or individuals who have received enablement support is compared with those who have not, and the use of control groups can help isolate the influence of sales enablement. As a result, businesses can more reliably credit the enabling activities for performance improvements rather than other outside variables.
  3. Mechanisms of Feedback: Establish feedback channels to get opinions on the success of sales enablement programs from stakeholders and sales teams. To enhance quantitative measurements with insightful qualitative information, it can be helpful to ask about the applicability, effect, and relevancy of training programs and enablement tools.
  4. Segmenting the data: Segment sales performance data according to different criteria, like product line, client segment, or geographic area, and analyze it. This can assist in pinpointing particular areas where sales enablement programs are most effective and where further attention might be required.

Best Practices to Measure Sales Enablement Metrics To Boost Sales Productivity

As we have discussed in the beginning sales enablement teams have a lot to work on to reach the sales objectives. They have many responsibilities to fulfill. But, how do we know if these efforts are going to work or not? Therefore, the following are a few best practices that can help in measuring the sales enablement metrics to boost sales productivity:

1. Establishing Clear Goals and Objectives:

Clearly state the aims and objectives of sales enablement programs, such as raising deal velocity, boosting win rates, and boosting sales productivity. Setting specific goals guarantees alignment with larger business objectives and offers a framework for monitoring.

2. Selecting Appropriate Metrics:

Choose appropriate  KPIs whose aims and objectives are directly in line with sales enablement programs. Metrics like customer satisfaction ratings, average transaction size, sales cycle length, and conversion rates may be among them. A meaningful focus on outcomes that drive organizational performance is ensured by selecting pertinent measures for measurement initiatives.

3. Setting Baselines:

Before launching sales enablement programs, as was previously indicated, set baseline measures for important metrics. This offers a benchmark for tracking performance improvements over time and evaluating the effectiveness of enablement initiatives.

4. Making Use of Systems for Sales Force Automation (SFA):

Use solutions for sales force automation to automatically and reliably collect data. More precise and rapid assessment of sales success is made possible by SFA systems, which can offer real-time insights into client contacts, pipeline dynamics, and sales activity.

5. Frequent Reporting and Analysis:

Analyze sales performance data regularly and inform pertinent stakeholders of your results. This guarantees prompt action on insights and permits ongoing enhancement of sales enablement tactics. Frequent reporting also makes it easier to monitor goal progress and pinpoint areas that need improvement.

Final Thoughts

Sales enablement metrics play a crucial role in assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of sales enablement strategies within an organization. By measuring key performance indicators such as sales productivity, win rate, lead response time, and customer lifetime value, companies can gain valuable insights into their sales processes and make data-driven decisions to optimize performance.

These metrics help identify areas for improvement, prioritize sales efforts, and ensure that sales teams are equipped with the tools and resources they need to succeed. Measuring the impact of sales enablement programs involves more than just counting the number of results; it also involves figuring out which investments and techniques work best to improve business outcomes.

The capacity to evaluate the results of sales enablement initiatives is essential for maximizing ROI, staying ahead of the competition, and maximizing performance in the cutthroat world of today when every choice matters. It is impossible to overstate the importance of choosing measurements using a framework like the Three Ps (Purpose, Process, Performance). This framework offers an organized method for establishing precise objectives and goals (Purpose), determining the actions and procedures required to accomplish those objectives (Process), and choosing the most pertinent metrics to assess achievement (performance).

​​Finding trends, patterns, and areas for improvement is one of the main advantages of using data to continuously improve sales enablement programs. Organizations can learn a lot about what’s working and what needs to be adjusted by examining sales performance statistics, customer reviews, and other pertinent information. Sales enablement plans are guaranteed to stay flexible and adaptive in response to shifting market dynamics, customer demands, and business objectives due to this iterative approach to improvement.

By continuously monitoring and analyzing sales enablement metrics, organizations can drive revenue growth, improve customer satisfaction, and maintain a competitive edge in the market. Ultimately, sales enablement metrics empower organizations to make informed decisions that drive success across the entire sales funnel.

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