SalesTech Star

Using Video Conferencing to Close Deals

Gone are the days when sales calls were dry and mundane. Today, salespeople need innovative and interactive ways to communicate with their audience to close deals.

Amidst the most innovative options for sales calls, sales video conferencing stands tall. While video conferencing picked up during the pandemic, it continues to be a key part of the sales processes for several companies.

While video conferencing unlocks many opportunities to interact with the audience, offer one-to-one product consultations, and find new ways to convince a prospect, salespeople must know the right way to use the tool.

Let us walk you through the top ways to make the most of video conferencing to close your deals. But before that, let’s brush up on our basics.

What is a sales call?

A meeting that happens between a lead and a prospect over a video call is termed a video sales call. The video conferencing is focused on building relationships, establishing trust, and closing more deals.

However, it is not as easy as it seems.

To close a deal, the salesperson needs to build a good rapport with the customer, understand their pain points, and offer a solution that meets those needs. And this is where most salespeople struggle.

Knowing how to use video conferencing and making the most of it will ease the journey.

Benefits of Sales Video Calls

Video conferencing uncovers opportunities to connect with prospects and increase sales. These calls equate to in-person meetings.

As per a study by McKinsey, 60% of salespeople say that they derive the same value from conferencing as they do from in-person meetings.

Read More: SalesTechStar Interview with Joseph Rodriguez, CRO at Portnox

Here’s How You Can Make the Most of Video Conferencing to Close More Deals

With the rise of virtual interactions, salespeople must master the art of closing deals through video conferencing. Here, we will explore some proven tactics that will help you close more deals through a video sales call.

Optimize your environment.

We are sure you will choose a video conferencing platform that is comfortable yet easy to use for your prospects. While you have chosen the platform, the success of the video conference will depend on how well you present yourself and your organization in front of your prospects.

Hence, you must create a distraction-free and professional environment for your video conferencing meetings. A well-lit background with minimal background noise is all you need to reflect the professionalism and quality of the sales call.

Equipment Testing for Quality Output

Technical glitches are way too common. Thus, before you initiate your video call, choose a reliable webcam, headset, and mic to ensure you can hear the responses of your prospects and vice versa. To prevent any last-minute technical faults, you should familiarize yourself with the conferencing platform you are using and do not forget to run a test before the meeting.

These efforts will result in a smooth and uninterrupted sales conversation.

Engage with your audience and build rapport

Start by knowing your audience, and as you start the video call, initiate a lively conversation to spark interest and engage the audience. Remember that the first few seconds are crucial.

Your salesperson can use the 3M’s technique introduced by Forbes: magnetic, mesmerizing, and memorable. Overall, you need to create a good first impression to keep your audience glued from start to finish.

Your start can be as simple as asking them a question on which they can ponder for a while.

As you find your users busy interacting in the beginning, it is time to build rapport with your audience. Video calls enjoy a big advantage over phone calls because the former let you see your prospects, thus making it easier for you to build rapport.

A few tactics you can use to build rapport over a video call are: using their names, creating eye contact, listening to them, and so on.

Overcome Objections

Finally, you should try to overcome objections. It is one of the most important skills that you must showcase as a salesperson. During a sales call, salespeople face two types of objections:

  • The prospect doesn’t want to buy the product or service.
  • When they want to buy from you but some specific concerns are holding you back.

To overcome these objections, try to address them head-on. Clear objections by offering them solutions that address their specific needs.

What else should you consider?

When it comes to video conferencing, pre-planning lies at the core of your sales call’s success. A salesperson should cash in on every opportunity to build rapport with his leads. If they are well done, video conferencing can be an extremely effective way to increase sales.

Never miss out on asking for feedback, and continue to improve your sales skills. The more you do it, the more you get better at it.


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