SalesTech Star

SalesTechStar Interview with Greg Armor, Executive Vice President of Sales,

Greg Armor, Executive Vice President of Sales, joins us for a chat on the increasing scope of AI powered capabilities in B2B sales and marketing:




Welcome to this chat Greg, tell us more about yourself and your role at

Thanks for having me! I’m Greg Armor, Executive Vice President at My role at is to oversee the scaling of successful businesses through AI-powered technologies, building strong workplace teams, and establishing long-term client relationships. I have over 20 years of experience with AI and technology and working with, I’ve been able to take my passion of working with others and combine it with technology to make employees successful.

We’d love to dive into some of Gryphon’s latest sales tech innovations/features? In what ways are you seeing today’s salestech innovations change the game in the way sales teams analyze their sales calls performance? provides guided, real-time recommendations for sales personnel in the field. While other guided sales platforms provide post-call analytics, what sets Gryphon apart is its system’s ability to provide automated, real-time feedback, allowing representatives to respond accurately during calls and close sales faster. Gryphon has set the standard for today’s most advanced AI-powered sales systems. We are the only company to provide a real-time guided analytics platform, changing the way sales teams analyze their calls, pivot their language, and make final sales.

Read More: SalesTechStar Interview with Jane Kelly, Head of Growth at Retool

 As AI powered technologies improve how sales leaders and team track performance and make real-time adjustments to sales processes, the onus lies on sales teams to know how to quickly understand the insights from their analytics systems to drive better optimization – what best practices can you share as takeaways?

 Some of best practices for driving a better understanding of the insights from these analytics systems is to locate differences over time. For example, by comparing a previous month’s success to where another month might be falling short of closed sales can help determine what’s going wrong and where. Employers can use these insights to better understand each employees’ work ethic. These systems allow employers to compare notes of calls where sales were closed, where certain employees might be lacking, and where the company’s success is coming from. Greater optimization of these systems stems from employers taking the time to talk to their employees about their successes, weaknesses, and what can be changed moving forward, as revealed by the system insights.

How in your view will AI-powered sales technologies and conversation intelligence systems impact the future of sales and marketing?

AI powered sales technologies and conversational intelligence systems are changing the traditional sales processes and improving the customer experience by guiding sales personnel through real-time guided selling technology. Powered by ML and AI, the telecommunications and telephony market has evolved to offer voice, audio and video driven networks with capabilities to analyze conversations in real-time and give automated feedback. Automatic Speech Recognition offers salespeople live feedback and recommendations, resulting in greater customer confidence and closing sales faster than ever before. When the salesperson is confident and has the right answers automatically in front of them, the most likely result is a final sale. AI has also aided remote onboarding processes, helping salespeople out in the field quicker with the ability to be “coached” by machine learning as they go. Instead of having to listen to hundreds of hours of calls for training, they can go straight into a call with AI as their live coach, providing recommendations and scripts while they’re on the phone. And this ability to get new team members in the field faster results in more closed deals. By analyzing conversational opportunities, providing sound, automatic decisions and placing value into every conversation, the power of AI is not only benefitting sales teams, but overall consumer satisfaction too.

What does it take to have ‘’the perfect salestech stack’’? For teams who are trying to optimize their salestech-martech stack, what are some of the top tips you’d share?

In addition to Gryphon AI for real-time recommendations, transcription and feedback, we integrate everything into SalesForce to keep a single source of truth within our organization. There are all kinds of sales tech out there. There is sales tech for prospecting prior to a call (Outreach, Salesloft) and tech for insights after the call (Gong). Now there is technology built for help during a live call, in the moment. This proactive and real-time intelligence is what excites me the most in tech. Over the years, I’ve used a variety of tech at different companies, and truthfully, that’s the reason I came to I wanted to be a part of an organization that builds technology specifically for sales teams by sales leaders that can positively impact sales in the moment. It’s our mantra at

It’s critical to find what works best for the needs of your individual organization. I do, however, think certain pieces of the stack are crucial: the CRM, Sales Analytics, Call Recording and Conversation Intelligence, a Cadence Tool, Marketing Automation tool, and Attribution platform are a few that I feel are necessary to streamline the sales and marketing function.

Read More: SalesTechStar Interview with Tod Nielsen, CEO at Talkwalker

Gryphon is an innovator in voice-driven sales technology, providing the only real-time, AI-powered conversation intelligence platform with in-the-moment call coaching and guided selling. The foundation of the platform is a carrier-grade communication network that provides crystal clear audio for highly accurate transcription and relevant real-time intelligence for all your sales calls. Infused with business intelligence and AI, the platform provides automation and visibility into the key sales performance analytics and insights that drive sales effectiveness helping clients grow revenue faster. For more than 20 years, has supported our clients’ growth initiatives by aligning sales and marketing functions to deliver higher performing campaigns. From Fortune 100 enterprises to small and medium-sized businesses’s clients achieve superior sales results and make better data-informed decisions than their competitors.

Greg Armor is the Executive Vice President of Sales,

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Episode 93: How Do You Build An Impactful Customer Success Model: With Daljit Bamford, Tenth Revolution Group

Episode 92: B2B Marketing Learnings And Martech Tips With Jon Perera, CMO At HighSpot

Episode 91: Top Trends And Concerns Of B2B Revenue Teams: With Sylvia Ananicz, Head Of Revenue At Lilt




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