SalesTech Star

SalesTechStar’s Sales Technology Highlights of The Week: Featuring Nintex, Zuper, Nogin and more!

What do leaders in B2B tech sales feel about 2024 and the future of salestech? Find out more from this latest weekly highlight:



SalesTech Quote-of-the-Week!

Great personalization tools: Mutiny on website, Pendo for in product, Segment as your CDP.  The main thing is not about the tools, it is about mapping journeys and having a deep understanding of your customer – then sorting out how you can use the data to improve your journeys. Example – most people cookie a customer as they hit a site – you can track that user to understand intent signals and tailor an onboarding experience – most people don’t because it is hard and requires many depts.

Paul Cowan, Chief Growth Officer at When I Work

Top SalesTech News of the Week: 02nd Jan to 05th Jan

SalesTech QnA with the Expert

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Passwordless authentication is going to dominate the retail industry moving forward, customers are tired of remembering yet another password. Personalization is going to follow that with just in time offering right in front of them to reduce time to search. – Neeraj Methi, Vice President of Solutions at BeyondID

Top Sales and SalesTech Articles on Revenue Lifecycles, Non-traditional Selling, AI and Lead Generation!

Missed The Latest Episode of The SalesStar Podcast? Have a quick listen here!

Episode 191: The Future of Online Shopping with Anh Vu-Lieberman, VP of Conversion Rate and Optimization at Nogin

Episode 190: Current AR Trends in Sales and Marketing with Zac Duff, CEO and co-Founder at JigSpace

Episode 189: The Modern State of Digital Advertising with Mark Melvin, EVP and General Manager at Mirriad

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