ManoByte Honored as HubSpot’s Impact Award Winner for Sales Enablement


ManoByte has been recognized as one of the 2018 HubSpot Impact Award winners for the category of Sales Enablement for their work with HillDT Solutions.

ManoByte is on a quest to change how companies approach their marketing and sales efforts. Sales Enablement is a core service offering of the marketing agency which is located just off 44th Street in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Defined as the process of aligning marketing and sales teams, sales enablement requires the development and implementation of tactical strategies that facilitate collaboration to better achieve the company’s revenue goals. This process is done through online strategies that create the right types of leads through inbound marketing, then providing the resources and tools that sales representatives need to close those leads into paying customers more effectively.

Kevin Dean
Kevin Dean

“Sales enablement services are what drive measurable revenue growth for companies today. Even if your inbound or digital marketing strategy is perfect, if the sales side isn’t well-equipped with the tools they need after the lead is passed on, your efforts will not yield the best possible results. We are honored today to be recognized by the leader in inbound marketing and sales, HubSpot, on our team’s ability to deliver these important services to the clients we serve.” –Kevin Dean, ManoByte’s Founder and CEO.

Brian Signorelli
Brian Signorelli

Winners were selected by HubSpot representatives who specialize in sales enablement delivery using the HubSpot platform of services.

“The HubSpot Agency Partner Impact Awards represent the best inbound work globally, across five core categories. We would like to congratulate ManoByte on achieving the Client Sales Enablement award for their region amongst their competition.” – Brian Signorelli, Director of Partner Sales at HubSpot, Inc.