Synthesis AI’s synthetic data platform provides on-demand, photorealistic and perfectly labeled image and video data for ML developers building computer vision models
Synthesis AI, a pioneer in synthetic data technologies for computer vision, announced the company has joined the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN). The APN is a global community of AWS Partners that leverage programs, expertise, and resources to build, market, and sell customer offerings. Synthesis AI underwent the comprehensive AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR) to certify the enterprise readiness of its synthetic data solutions and platform.
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Synthesis Humans and Synthesis Scenarios, Synthesis AI’s two core products, represent broad and deep synthetic data offerings. Synthesis Humans offers over 100,000 diverse identities and is ideal for generating detailed facial and body images and videos at a fraction of the cost of human-labeled data. Fortune 50 companies use the platform today to support ID verification, driver monitoring, and AR/VR/avatar applications. Synthesis Scenarios is the first synthetic data technology to enable fine control of complex, multi-human simulations in various environments supporting security, smart city, and autonomy use cases.
“Synthetic data solves fundamental cost, efficiency and accuracy issues with today’s human-labeled data approaches,” said Yashar Behzadi, CEO and Founder of Synthesis AI. “We are excited to join the AWS Partner Network and continue to help our customers bring sophisticated computer vision models to production for emerging applications.”
As an APN member, Synthesis AI joins a global network of 100,000 Partners from more than 150 countries working with AWS to provide innovative solutions, solve technical challenges, win deals, and deliver value to mutual customers.
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