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Leveraging Brand-to-Brand Partnerships in the Booming Subscription Economy

By Stephanie Appel, Customer Success Lead, Awin

The subscription economy has seen remarkable growth, outpacing traditional business models. With the subscription economy burgeoned by consumer demand and projected to multiply into a staggering $1.5 trillion market by 2025, it’s clear that subscription services are not just a trend, but a transformative shift in the fabric of commerce.

One potent avenue subscription businesses are exploring to bolster their performance is through strategic brand-to-brand partnerships. Such collaborations allow subscription advertisers to tap into the loyal customer bases of established brands and potentially convert a segment of this audience to their own subscriber lists.In fact, partner marketing was identified as a top three channel for effectiveness at 92%, according to an Awin study conducted by Forrester. These collaborations are reshaping the subscription landscape and driving impressive business outcomes.

Catalyzing Growth with Conversion

Recent data reveals a compelling narrative: consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand or retailer that has been recommended by someone they trust. This leads to higher conversion rates for brands. This is not mere coincidence but the fruit of deliberate, symbiotic partnerships where value and visibility are exchanged between brands.

Brand partnerships allow subscription businesses to connect with customers who are already engaged with similar brands. This is a significant advantage in a market where acquiring new subscribers requires trust and credibility. By partnering with a complementary brand, subscription advertisers can introduce their offerings to an audience that is likely to have aligned interests.

One might wonder how these partnerships translate into actual profits and growth. Subscription brands are observing improved average conversion rates when their service is offered as a free gift within a partner brand’s ecosystem. This strategy is ingenious as it introduces the subscription service to consumers in a low-risk format, inviting engagement without upfront commitment often leading to those users converting to full-paying subscribers.

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A Mutualistic Relationship for Brands

As these statistical insights unravel, it’s crucial to understand that brand-to-brand partnerships in the subscription realm are not a one-way street. They are mutualistic relationships wherein both partners stand to gain. The hosting brand can offer additional value to their customers by providing complementary subscriptions, infusing novelty into their service portfolio, and engaging customers further.

In parallel, the guest subscription service gains exposure, credibility through association, and a latent audience predisposed to online transactions and subscription models.

One of the most appealing benefits of brand partnerships is the cost-effectiveness. Instead of relying solely on paid advertising channels, which are often subject to increasing costs and diminishing returns, subscription brands can leverage partner audiences to generate leads more efficiently. Partnering with another brand can result in direct referrals, leading to lower cost-per-acquisition (CPA) and higher return on investment (ROI). Additionally, data sharing between partners can lead to more precise targeting. Subscription brands can gain insights from their partner’s audience behavior, allowing them to tailor their marketing efforts and increase conversion rates. By aligning offers with the partner’s customer profile, subscription brands can maximize the relevance of their pitch.

Partnerships can also enhance the customer journey by offering more value to subscribers. Subscription brands can bundle their products with another service, creating a more comprehensive offering that meets various customer needs. This approach not only improves the subscriber’s experience but also boosts retention and increases the customer’s lifetime value (CLTV). These types of partnerships tend to foster brand affinity and reinforce consumer trust in both companies.

Diverse Approaches to Partnerships

While brand partnerships are powerful, there are a variety of ways to execute these partnerships for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. For instance, complementary product bundling allows two brands to combine their products into one cohesive offering. This can be an impactful strategy for creating a premium package that adds value for both companies’ customers.

Another popular approach is using affiliate marketing in conjunction with brand partnerships. Affiliates that promote a partner brand’s subscription offer on their platform, often as a gift or exclusive offer, can generate highly engaged leads. When a free trial or discounted subscription is offered through an affiliate’s network, it often leads to a higher rate of sign-ups. In the long term, subscription brands can incentivize affiliates and partners to continue driving performance by sharing performance data, offering tiered commission structures, or providing bonuses for recurring subscribers.

The Horizon of Opportunities

The subscription economy has rewritten the rules of engagement. Amidst the growing potential, brand-to-brand partnerships guide subscription services to untouched audiences and uncharted revenues. The subscription landscape is rife with opportunity, and for the savvy marketer, collaborations are not just an option—they are imperative.

With solid performance metrics advocating for brand partnerships, significant annual growth, and a customer base increasingly open to subscription services, it’s an opportune moment for subscription brands to embrace these alliances. These collaborations, built on strategic alignment and mutual benefits, are proving to be the key methods of growth for the contemporary subscription economy.


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