SalesTechStar’s Sales Technology Highlights of The Week: Featuring Klaviyo, SAP, Spiff, Aviso AI and more!

SalesTechStar’s Sales Technology Highlights of The Week: Featuring Klaviyo, SAP, Spiff, Aviso AI and more!

From driving loyalty from your online customers to improving the end-to-end buyer’s journey, catch more sales and customer success best practices in this weekly highlight:


SalesTech Quote-of-the-Week!

The most important thing for a user journey is reducing the number of steps for a customer to take that journey. From a secondhand perspective, the biggest constraint is getting great supply in front of customers. So our goal is to build the technology that allows it to be as easy as possible for customers to get involved in secondhand. That is both, the enhancements from a seller listing and matching standpoint, also doing in-store takeback, making it so that every touchpoint a customer has with a brand offers an opportunity to engage with resale.

Yoram Givon, VP of Engineering at Recurate

Top SalesTech News of the Week: 15th May to 19th May

SalesTech QnA with the Expert

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Most retailers don’t know who all their customers are.

They know their loyalty members and their online buyers, but that leaves a gap of 60-70% of shoppers for many brick and mortar retailers.

Nick Mangiapane, CMO and Head of Partnerships at Commerce Signals

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Missed The Latest Episode of The SalesStar Podcast? Have a quick listen here!

Episode 166: Renewed Sales-Marketing Alignment Tips: with Melton Littlepage, CMO at Outreach

Episode 165: Why You Need Video In your Sales and Marketing Outreach: with Karthi Mariappan, Co-founder and CEO at Hippo Video

Episode 164: The Growth of Digital Experience Platforms with Darren Guarnaccia, president of Uniform

Aviso AIB2B salesB2B teamCommerce Signalscommercetoolscontract intelligenceCustomerCustomer Success TeamsFeaturedFeaturing Klaviyogenerative AIGTM teamsHighlights Of The WeekIntegrationKlaviyoloyalty membersNext Generation Pre-Signature Contract ManagementNick Mangiapanenline Customer ExperiencesRecurateretailerssales intelligence solutionsales technologySalesTechStar’s Sales TechnologySAPseller listingSpiffStaff for RevenueTechnologyVP of EngineeringWeekly highlightsYoram Givon