SalesTechStar’s Sales Technology Highlights of The Week: Featuring Cognism, Impartner, RootStock Software and more!

What really separates AEs from SDRs? And how can retailers use tech to drive growth opportunities? Find out more in this week’s highlight:


SalesTech Quote-of-the-Week!

The future holds many tech advances, but a key one that manufacturers want to leverage is moving to a single, unified cloud platform. According to our 2023 State of Manufacturing Technology Survey, many believe a key risk of not engaging in digital transformation is the continued problems caused by data silos.

Caroline Santander, Senior Vice President of Global Professional Services & Enablement at Rootstock Software

Top SalesTech News of the Week: 03rd July to 07th July

SalesTech QnA with the Expert

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With trends like PLG and AI I think the pressure on great salespeople is going to be even bigger and they will end up having a bigger impact on the outcome of the sales cycle. This might sound a bit backwards, but with more and more of the sales cycle happening before the buyer speaks to a salesperson, that person only has one chance to accomplish what in the past was achieved over multiple conversations.

Frida Ottosson, VP of US Sales at Cognism

Top Sales and SalesTech Articles on Retailer Tech, Differences between AEs and SDRs and more!

Missed The Latest Episode of The SalesStar Podcast? Have a quick listen here!

 Episode 173: B2B Revenue Generation Hacks with Justin Schweisberger, Chief Revenue Officer at Pramata

Episode 172: Keeping Sales and Marketing on The Same Page: with Scott Kolman, Chief Marketing Officer at Cresta

Episode 171: People Culture and its Impact on Business Growth: with Linda Lee – Chief People and Culture Officer, Velocity Global

AESAIAI Agentbit backwardsCaroline SantanderChatGPTCognismCPaaSEconomic WatersImpartnerInnovative Additionsmultiple conversationsNo-Code IntelligentPartner MarketplacePLGretailersRootstock SoftwareSales CycleSalespeoplesalespersonSalesTech ArticlesSDRstech advancesUnified Cloud PlatformWeekly highlights