Ten Sales Forecasting Tools that Every Technology Sales Team Needs

Sales forecasting can be crucial for your business’ success. According to recent research from the Aberdeen Group, companies with accurate sales forecasts are 10 percent more likely to grow their revenue year-on-year and have 7.3 percent higher chances of hitting their quota.

A sales forecast predicts what a salesperson or a team will sell weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Sales forecasting allows businesses to uncover issues with their sales process along with the opportunity to fix them.

Discovering issues in a sales plan, or a competitor starting off an aggressive discount campaign can be vital factors in your success.

Here is a compilation of some better known sales forecasting software to help your sales team.

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1. Salesforce.com

Salesforce is a well-known web-based CRM application that allows its users to track leads, forecast sales, and more. Companies easily connect with customers, partners, and employees in new ways using Salesforce.

The software is an efficient tool that helps users accurately forecast sales based on volume and conversion metrics derived from its CRM reporting and analytics features. It includes reports and dashboards, self-service analytics, as well as a forecasting engine to drive better sales performance.

2. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM empowers small to large businesses with a complete Customer Lifecycle Management solution. With Zoho, you can forecast your revenue and assign targets to your teams with key information such as deals in the pipeline, individual competency, and quotas achieved in the last fiscal year.

Zoho CRM also allows you to identify the bottlenecks using real-time sales data so you can boost your team’s performance by eliminating them. Filter forecasts by geography, team, or sales reps, visualize targets by generating dashboards and reports, and motivate star performers with customized targets.

3. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is a sales management tool built for salespersons by salespersons. According to the company, the solution is used by over 50k teams around the world and helps them see the big picture. The software boasts of a comprehensive, visual sales pipeline, contacts and follow-up organization, and sophisticated sales forecasting features to avoid nasty surprises.

Pipedrive allows you to view ongoing deals arranged by their likely close date beside closed deals for easy comparison. This allows you to course-correct before it’s too late and work on deals that are more likely to close.

4. Anaplan

This leading platform helps connect people, data, and plans across your business. Large and small companies use Anaplan to deliver on-time sales plans while improving compensation, quota, and forecast accuracy.

Anaplan for sales forecasting gives sales executives and managers the flexibility to manage an accurate and trusted sales forecast in any business area. The solution also enables analyzing forecasts at the opportunity, geography, and product levels to gauge the health of your sales operations.

5. SalesLoft

SalesLoft was created for the entire sales organization, be it the development rep, account executive, or the sales manager. This solution helps an organization deliver a better experience to their customers throughout the sales process.

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Sales forecasting features include a sales trend analysis tool, performance metrics, and a dashboard to visualize the sales performance, so you can tweak your sales strategy at any point.

6. Refract

Refract empowers sales management teams to identify and eliminate costly mistakes and errors they make every day. As part of its sales forecasting tools, Refract has a lot to offer.

The solution comes with the capabilities to view sales analytics data on a dashboard, conduct sales trend analysis, correlation analysis, graphical data presentation, track performance metrics, and undertake statistical analysis. Through all these functions, Refract helps sales managers accurately forecast sales and see through their sales process for any improvement room.

7. Clari

Clari Connected Revenue Operations solution helps B2B companies shorten sales cycles, increase win rates, and improve forecast accuracy with AI and automation. Clari aims to help you leave the spreadsheets behind and start making sales calls based on real-time data and predictive insights.

Clari can also be customized to meet your needs whether you are forecasting in months, quarters, by product lines, or by channel. Clari also boasts of dynamic modeling and exception reporting besides all foundational sales forecasting features.

8. SlickPie

SlickPie is a free accounting software designed for freelancers, solopreneurs, and small businesses. Its sales forecasting features are limited to those that small businesses absolutely need. SlickPie offers intuitive dashboard, performance metrics, and sales trend analysis features as part of its sales forecasting functions.

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9. Aviso

Aviso’s AI-driven technology helps leading sales teams deliver predictable revenue growth to their organizations. The AI-powered sales forecasting solution claims proven accuracy of over 90 percent at $100 billion per year in businesses.

With Aviso, you can combine AI and human insights at scale, and course-correct and guide sales reps to achieve bold outcomes. A few features part of its sales forecasting function are statistical analysis, modeling and simulation, and graphical data presentation.

10. InsightSquared Sales Analytics 

InsightSquared, the revenue intelligence solution helps improve your business through sales and marketing analytics and accurate forecasts. This solution boasts of sales analytics that helps generate holistic reports to manage pipeline and forecast more accurately.

Forecast using historical monthly or quarterly numbers. You could also forecast bottoms-up by weighting the opportunities in your pipeline. InsightSquared also allows you to manually tweak the forecast to exclude certain deals. Drill to employee-level weighted forecasts using each sales rep’s close rates on each stage.

Did we miss your favorite sales forecasting tool? Tell us about it in the comments below.

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Aberdeen GroupAIAnaplanB2BcrmSales and marketingSales forecastingSales ManagementSalesLoftSlickPieZoho CRM
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