Americans Look Forward to Safe, Stay-At-Home July 4 Celebration

Americans birthday will look very different this year – with more than 60% of us staying home and avoiding gatherings with others. That’s the finding of new Harris Poll data released as the country heads into the holiday weekend.

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While citizens remain divided on issues of race, politics and culture, we are united as ever on the importance of celebrating American history and freedom:

  • “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” is still alive in America: When asked about the relevance of this section of the Declaration of Independence, 69% agree that the historical sentiment is alive today, including 75% of Republicans and 67% of Democrats.
  • Americans say the Fourth is “important”: In an age of rising tensions, 78% of adults consider the Fourth of July to be an important holiday to them, their family and the community. When asked to identify the root of the holiday’s importance, the top reasons are “celebrating our history” (60%), being “grateful to live in America” (54%) and “an opportunity to have some fun” (49%).
  • Americans need some optimism: Desperate for a reprieve, 59% of Americans said they were “very” or “somewhat” excited for the Fourth of July this year. Asked why they’re excited: 54% say they like watching fireworks – even though most will do so only on TV – and 51% say “we need something to look forward to right now.”
  • Most won’t be gathering with others: Just 39% said they would be attending or hosting a social event or gathering for the holiday – and most of them in homes – while 61% will avoid gatherings altogether due to concerns about COVID-19. A full 25% said they had “no plans” for celebrating.
  • Most of us will follow safety protocols: Two-thirds (66%) of Americans say they feel safe celebrating the Fourth of July this year – with younger generations (68% Gen Z/Millennial and 72% Gen X versus 60% Boomers, 61% Seniors) feeling the safest. Nearly all (94%) of those attending social gatherings say they will follow at least some COVID-19 safety protocols this weekend.

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