SalesTechStar’s Sales Technology Highlights of The Week: Featuring Oracle, RFPIO, RangeMe, Lenovo and more!

SalesTechStar’s Sales Technology Highlights of The Week: Featuring Oracle, RFPIO, RangeMe, Lenovo and more!

How can sales leaders foster deeper channel partnerships that are inspired by strong cultures? Catch more tips, insights and best practices from this week’s sales and salestech highlight by SalesTechStar:


SalesTech Quote-of-the-Week!

Customer facing teams must remember that we are providing a service that allows our customers to provide a service, or connect in some way, with their customers or employees. In most cases, we are really B2B2C, where the C can be an internal customer or external. Our customer’s definitions of success are dependent on their business goals and needs; understanding these are incredibly important to truly be a partner and help them be successful. Listening, and enabling and providing outcomes are key.

Jen Jackson, Vice President of Customer Experience at Dialpad

 Top SalesTech News of the Week: 14th Feb to 18th Feb

SalesTech QnA with the Expert

SalesTechStar Interview with David C Williams, Assistant Vice President for Automation at AT&TMany companies have knowledge management systems that look like the Library of Congress. In business, we need to make our processes as efficient and straightforward as the Interstates. We must prioritize the customer agenda – their goals – over our systems and internal processes.

David C Williams, Assistant Vice President for Automation at AT&T

Top B2B Sales and SalesTech Articles on Profitability, Prospecting, Social Commerce

Missed The Latest Episode of The SalesStar Podcast? Have a quick listen here!

Episode 113: Optimizing B2B Sales Training Efforts: with John Elsey, CEO at Richardson Sales

Episode 112: B2B Revenue Tricks and Optimized Sales practices with Karen Gallantry, GM at mParticle

Episode 111: Driving Better Productivity within your Product Team: with Kristina Simkins, VP of Product at Lessonly by Seismic


B2Bconsulting teamscustomer successcustomers increaseDatabookFortifyInHubinternal customerLenovologistics capabilitiesOracleRangeMeRFPIOsales technologySalesTechStarSocial CommerceWeekly highlights