SalesTechStar’s Sales Technology Highlights of The Week: Featuring CData, Aircall, and more

How can sales leaders create a better sense of learning and adaptability. And what does it take to upskill sellers in the age of AI driven sales? Read on:

SalesTech Quote-of-the-Week!

Leveraging the innovative ethos inherent to startups, there exists an opportunity to introduce customers to novel business methodologies, fostering mutual growth. Also, nurturing a culture of continuous learning and adaptability is essential. Startups operate in dynamic environments where market conditions and customer preferences can rapidly evolve. Encouraging teams to stay agile, embrace change, and continuously refine their strategies ensures relevance and competitiveness in the market landscape.

Puneet Arora, Global President,

Top SalesTech News of the Week: 01st to 05th April

SalesTech QnA with the Expert

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Modern POS systems are revolutionizing the food and beverage (F&B) industry with automation and intelligence. It’s almost expected these days that POS systems will automate once-manual processes and improve the operational efficiency of a restaurant overall. While restaurateurs are struggling to wear almost every hat of the business (cook, waiter, marketing, finance…), today’s solutions take over some of these tasks, allowing the owner to concentrate on their passion for making great food and providing great service to their clientele.

Eran Holland, Chief Product Officer at HungerRush

Top Sales and SalesTech Articles on Ai and Sales, Buying Groups, Customer Success and more…

Episode 199: Top Trends in Modern B2B Marketing with Emily Singer, Head of Marketing at Drift

Episode 198: MarTech and AI with Jeff Samuels, COO of Iterable

AcqueonAI-Powered VirtualAircall BroadensAmazon MarketplaceAmifybusiness methodologiesbuying groupscustomer preferencescustomer successData VirtualityFood and Beveragefostering mutual growthGongGTM processesHuman-AI CollaborationIdentifying BuyingModern POS systemsSalesSalesStar PodcastSMBsWeekly highlights