Top CRMs in B2C and How they are Changing Retail and B2C sales

When it comes to Customer Relationship Management, the importance of CRM software can not be overstated. These platforms make it easier for businesses to manage various critical aspects of their interactions with customers. But that being said, the dimensions of B2B and B2C relationships are entirely different, necessitating different features or types of CRM platforms.

Difference between B2B and B2C CRM Needs

It is important to understand the difference between both the industries before getting into the CRM difference because the former will very much clear the differences of the latter.

  • B2B – A B2B company is the one that is associated with businesses and companies of its kind. There is no relation of a B2B company with retail customers. It is a relationship with a business with other businesses.
  • B2C – A B2C, on the other hand, is a relationship of a business with customers of all kinds. They sell their products and services to retail consumers rather than other businesses. The target audience for such companies is normally extremely vast.
  • B2C CRM: A B2C CRM caters to the needs of the company by handling data of a larger audience. There is variety in the customer base, and the sales take place on a larger scale; therefore, the CRM software in B2C is accordingly customized to handle more individualized tasks.
  • The sources of the lead generations are diverse in a B2C format; therefore, a different kind of CRM is needed in this model.
  • It caters to a larger audience, and that is why there is always a need for managing even direct complaints within the CRM.
  • Customer activities are complex and take place continuously in B2C. So, the CRM software is built in a way to handle the activities in bulk.

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  • B2B CRM: The number of leads in a B2B model are lower, so the platform has to have a different set of features, a simple CRM is enough
  • The sales in the B2B takes place on a smaller scale (high value, fewer number of times)
  • There is less need for complaint management software because this format is only dealing with other businesses, not individual shoppers
  • Customer activities are fewer in number,  there is no need of having complex software to manage B2B relationships.

5 Good CRMs for B2C 

  • Bpm’online – This CRM offers a variety of solutions for sales and marketing teams. It offers a comfortable and friendly user experience for people who are using CRMs for the first time. It is suitable for different B2C needs and promotes customer relationship and sales processes for the company by helping to track interactions. It monitors and keeps account of the activities of different brand users and helps provide recommended next steps, solutions and services accordingly.
  •  Pipedrive – This software is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. The interface is impressive and provides a smooth navigation. By providing all the necessary customer interactions and information in one place, it allows teams to make appropriate changes to help improve the end to end customer relation and journey with the brand.
  • Insightly –  By offering the ability to personalize the experience of every audience this software can serve distinct purposes. It can be used,  updated, accesses via a mobile phone, and the whole workflow can be managed easily on different devices when needed.
  • Freshsales – Freshsales is flexible in its pricing and is highly-customizable and built to cater to specific needs of B2C channels
  • LeadSquared – LeadSquared offers various critical insights that are important for generating sales and changing marketing methods. The reports within the software are a great help to users to help track, improve analyse constantly.

With the complexities of managing a business changing and the interactions with retail customers becoming complex, the need for a B2C CRM is more pressing now.

crmcustomer relationship managementleadSquaredPipedrivesales technology
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