How The In-Store Buying Experience Is Changing

In an in-store buying experience, the customers interact directly with the retailers. They present their needs straight forward to the retailers, and they try to find a product that will best fit their needs. With a good in-store buying experience, the customers have a feeling of security and satisfaction. Now, as technology is advancing in every sector, physical shopping has not been left behind.

Here are modern technologies that enhance the in-store buying experience for customers.

  • Extended Reality

Extended reality features a combination of augmented reality and virtual reality. Stores and retailers make use of these technologies to offer their customers some real-life virtual experience. Several stores around the world have set up platforms to virtually try on clothes. Customers can select from the wide range of products available in the store, and the augmented reality captures their live image by adding the selected products to the frame. This technology is widely used in clothing and accessories stores. Customers love this feature and tend to come back again to experience it.

  • Predictive Analytics

Predictive analysis analyzes collected data such as customers’ purchasing behavior, customer needs, shopping trends, etc, to determine the predictions for customer shopping. This helps the retailers to be more efficient, proactive, and smart. This technology reduces costs as the store can stock supply based on the needs and avoid extra stocking. Retailers use these predictions to give their customers a personalized experience. Who does not love personalized experiences? And that is what drives the customers to return for more.

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  • Face Recognition

Face recognition is a newly adapted technology in the business world. This technology was used only by crime and security agencies until recently. Face recognition is a very important tool in any retail business. With the system recognizing the customers, it allows the retailers to serve them with a personalized experience based on their shopping history. There are legal obligations that come with the adoption of this technology. Your store needs to acquire special licenses and permits to implement facial recognition technology in your store.

  • Robotic Store Assistants

Robotic store assistants are the latest addition to the shopping business. Stores can keep around such robots who can locate appropriate products suiting customer needs. They answer any questions of the customers and offer them excellent service. This technology is helping in changing the in-store buying experience of the customers.

Top technologies helping improve in-store customer experience

With these technologies and many more, the in-store buying experience of the customers is taking a modern, upward turn. Use of technology to deliver an amazing customer experience is a great advancement to the retail industry. Below are some changes that are improving the in-store buying experience of the customers.

  • Social media opportunities

The young generation has a well-maintained social media life. People like to document their lives on social media. If a store provides an addition to people’s social media, people are more likely to turn into customers. Stores can be set up a photo booth or a social media corner where their customers can take beautiful pictures and post them on their social media. This has dual benefits. The customers have excellent experience and are most likely to visit again, and the store gets free advertising.

  • Retailtainment

Retailtainment is, as the name suggests, ‘retail’ and ‘entertainment.’ Stores should consider setting up unique and attractive entertainment spectacles. The type of entertainment depends on what you sell and who your customers are. Stores can call in celebrities, set up open mics, the display acts, etc. It is not every day that customers get entertainment with their shopping experience. Having occasional entertainment pieces is a great way to enhance the customers’ in-store experience.

  • Bundling products and services

Customers often tend to buy associated products and services with their main purchase. Suppose stores could offer their customers service bundles that are a complete package of every customer’s needs with a particular product. For example, a furniture store can offer its customers’ installation services. This bundling facility helps the customers to save additional resources to find the association services. And who does not like saving?

  • Face to face customer service

Face-to-face customer service is something that online stores can never offer. Stores have trained and knowledgeable retailers who know the products inside out and help you find a perfect fit. Online services can only offer reviews, but in-store shopping allows customers to themselves experience the whole thing. Stores should ensure that they have helpful retailers who lead the customers towards a lively and satisfactory in-store buying experience.

With the rapid pace at which technology is evolving, it is safe to assume that the in-store shopping experience is set for some interesting changes in the days to come. So, the customers are certainly in for a never-before shopping experience, elevating their satisfaction levels a notch higher.

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Buying ExperiencechangingCustomer ServicesCustomersextended realityface recognitionFeaturedhelpingin-storepredictive analyticsproductsretailersretailtainmentrobotic store assistantsservicessocial mediatop technologiesWorld