Growth of Customer Experience and Digital Experience Platforms

Offering an exceptional customer experience on digital channels is no longer a nice-to-have element for businesses. Today, every customer demands personalized results and solutions, which is the soul of every good experience. And personalization takes a lot of data. There are countless customer experience management software available out there that can help you harness data. We have picked the choicest options from the crowd, so you can make the right decision. Let’s start by fleshing out the concept of digital customer experience.

Digital Customer Experience: What’s that?

Customer experience on a digital platform implies all interactions that a client has with the enterprise through the website, mobile, email, social media, IoT & wearable gadgets, physical locations, and call centers. The objective here is to offer rich and unique experiences by refining the interaction and focusing on the client’s perception of the experience you gave them.

As per a report by PWC, 86% of the total customers who believe they got a good experience will pay more. On the other hand, poor customer service can encourage 58% of the customers to switch over to other companies. At the same time, Salesforce research indicates that about 93% of customers possibly make repeat purchases with companies that offer rich and fantastic customer experience.

These stats and figures are enough to reiterate the significance of customer experience management.

Read More: SalesTechStar Interview with Leena Joshi, Co-founder and CEO at CloseFactor

How Do Customer Experience Management Tools Help?

The best and most effective digital customer management tools offer consistent and proper engagement and experience to customers throughout the customer lifecycle. Key capabilities of customer management platforms are:

  • Provide end-to-end customer engagement
  • Interacting with each customer at a time and via a device that’s appropriate for them.
  • Identifying dissatisfied or passive customers and helping the creation of effective campaigns to enhance their value to the company.
  • Handling and storing information in any format to provide rich and interactive experiences to customers.
  • Offer personalized experiences based on purchase history, customer behaviors, location, and many other factors.
  • Offer context-driven customer experiences based on how they interact with the digital touchpoints of your platform.

Key Customer Experience Management Solutions To Consider

Now, let’s walk you through the list of top customer experience management solutions that can take your game to the next level. Dive in, pronto!

  • Medallia

This is an AI-powered customer experience management platform for the cloud that deploys text analytics to assist agents in understanding the sentiment and underlying drivers of satisfaction and uncover themes across unstructured data. This award-winning SaaS solution comes with the most extensive capabilities for gaining feedback and getting signals wherever the customer is engaged in interactions such as email, in-app, digital, social, etc. Medallia Experience Cloud promises and delivers help to organizations so they can know what their customer wants by offering real-time insights across the company.

Some of the key features include:

  1. API
  2. Activity Dashboard
  3. Benchmarking
  4. CRM
  5. Chat Messaging
  6. Action Management
  7. 360-degree feedback
  • Tealeaf by Acoustic

Tealeaf is a cloud-based, AI-powered software that helps backtrack how users engage and interact with mobile apps and sites. It comes with a feature of advanced filtering that allows retrieval of a particular mobile session on the basis of device parameters, observed events, or HTTP. It helps you create rich, dynamic content, enhance collaboration and connection with customers and improve customer value by generating marketing segments on the basis of behavior.

Some of the key features of Tealeaf by Acoustic include:

  1. Customer Segmentation
  2. Analytics
  3. Dashboard
  4. Sentiment Analysis
  5. Session Recording
  6. Optimization Tools
  7. Mouse Tracking
  8. Form Analytics
  • Clarabridge

Another AI-powered tool that can facilitate and capture interaction from any channel. This software solution is great for media analytics, media management, social listening, speech analytics, text analytics, and media reporting tools. Clarabridge allows one to capture interaction from diverse interaction platforms and mediums such as agent notes, social media, voice recordings, and chat logs. It can run well with unstructured as well as structured data.

Some of the key features of Clarabridge include:

  1. Ad hoc Reporting
  2. Alerts/ Escalation
  3. Benchmarking
  4. Call Recording
  5. Categorization
  6. Automatic Transcription
  7. Automated Publishing
  • Salesforce Service Cloud

These platforms offer the ability to reach customers via the AI-powered chatbots of Salesforce. These chatbots are native to the site and assist in reducing human intervention. This tool enhances the productivity of employees and the company by offering agents a comprehensive and shared view of every customer and their interaction. The knowledge gained here further helps agents in drawing insights to better grasp the customers and their unique cases.

Some of the key features of Salesforce Service Cloud include:

  • Omni-channel Routing
  • Lighting Service Console
  • Workflow & Approvals
  • Telephony Integration
  • Case Management
  • Automation with Macros
  • Social Customer Service

Read More: The Value of Coaching to Drive Sales Methodology Adoption

You’ve now read through the concept and importance of customer experience management for businesses. We also hashed out the choicest CX tools that can help you enhance customer engagement practices and, thus, the overall experience. They are not mere tools but keys to attracting and retaining loyal clients as they facilitate responding to clients effectively round the clock.

AIcall recordingChatbotscustomer behaviorscustomer engagementcustomer experiencecustomer experience managementCustomer ExperiencesCustomersCX toolsDigital Experience PlatformsFeaturedIoTMedalliaMedallia Experience Cloudpersonalizationpurchase historySaaS solutionSalesforceSalesforce Service CloudSpeech AnalyticsTealeafText Analytics