Exploring Digital Sales Rooms and Platforms

Exploring Digital Sales Rooms and Platforms

Stepping into the digital era has transformed the perspective of businesses that have a completely online presence towards marketing. Though some big brands will still prefer pitching to the clients face-to-face, there is no doubt that digital marketing is growing at a faster than expected pace. But many companies worry about the lack of personal connection with the customers as it is missing in the online sales pitch.

As the ‘new normal’ has set-in firmly after the pandemic, digital marketers across the globe have assumed greater significance. Even after the pandemic ends, the trend of work from home and remote working will continue to move from strength to strength. So, instead of lingering in the past, you should make the best use of digital marketing tools for boosting sales.

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Benefits of using digital salesrooms

Digital salesrooms can be best defined as an online toolkit that will help the companies engage their customers meaningfully and increase sales. It is more like creating a private space for company-client interaction and attracting more customers or investors on board. Here are some of the advantages of using a digital salesrooms platform for hiking up your sales.

● Connecting with more people is the biggest benefit of digital salesrooms platforms. When you are connecting with your target customers online, you will be able to access a huge network of people from different domains of the industry. This is not possible when you are hiring a salesperson to go and pitch your ideas in a while traveling across client offices physically.

● Innovations like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will give your customers a better idea about the product without physically carrying the product and knocking at their offices. When you are better at explaining the utility of the product and how it would help the target audience, they are more likely to make a positive decision.

● In the offline sales approach, most companies fail to train their salesperson properly. This leads to making the sales pitch in the same old way, i.e., with a single brochure or showing the same presentation to clients with different requirements. For example, if you pitch your product with the same message to an engineer and a venture capitalist, you are not giving them enough reason to come on board. You must customize your sales pitch and take a different approach for each one of them so that they are able to relate to the advantages on offer. In a digital salesroom platform, you can create as many sets of customized sales approaches as you want to engage with the potential investors, customers, stakeholders, etc.

● Make your sales pitch in the form of a visually impactful presentation so that the customers actually think about your brand after having a look at it. With a virtual approach, this process becomes a lot easier, as you can easily create engaging content that will effectively convey your message.

● You can find many digital salesrooms platforms that have come up recently. But you need to understand picking which one of them will be good for your brand or product. The digital salesrooms platforms have the objective to enhance your sales but how to achieve that for your product is your decision. So, choose your digital salesrooms platform carefully.

● The digital salesrooms platforms are equipped with various tools to help you track the engagement with clients and how your sales are increasing or decreasing with time. You can understand if using such a platform is really helping your company or not.

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Best Digital Sales Rooms Platforms

It is important to choose the digital salesrooms platform for your company wisely because you only know what is best for your brand, who are your target customers, and how to approach them. These platforms are the means of transport or a bridge to make it happen. Here are some of the best digital salesrooms platforms that you can have a look at for your company.

1. BigTinCan:

BigTinCan is one of the leading digital salesrooms platforms that provides a highly intuitive UI leading to advanced content management, brilliant internal communications, document automation, etc.

2. Moxtra:

Moxtra provides a OneStop Customer Portal App, which has several features like secure chats, transactions, data rooms, task management, etc., to engage more with your customers.

3. Folloze:

Folloze is a personalized marketing platform that provides digital solutions to fuel the growth of your brand. Folloze provides account-based marketing, event marketing, demand generation, etc.

4. HighSpot:

HighSpot is a sales enablement platform that focuses highly on having quality customer conversations. The platform organizes marketing content, drives sales enablement impact, improves sales performance to help you grow your company overall.

5. Dealhub:

Dealhub helps you get deep insights into buyer intent and provides you with accurate tools to drive your sales upwards. It is a very cost-effective platform.

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Other digital salesrooms platforms that help create better customer engagement and sales proposals are JourneySales, ClearPoint, Tact.ai, etc.

There is no doubt that the future of business in the next decade is online, and therefore investment in tools that support online sales efforts is highly desirable.

Augmented Realitycontent managementcustomer engagementdigital marketingDigital Sales RoomsFeaturedonline salessalestechvirtual reality
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