Verimatrix Shortlisted for 2018 IBC Innovation Awards, Named Two-time Finalist for this Year’s CSI Awards

Company Recognized for New Capabilities of Vtegrity and Verspective Intelligence in Addition to Collaborating to Bring TV Everywhere to Africa

Verimatrix, a specialist in securing and enhancing revenue for network-connected devices and services, has been shortlisted for this year’s IBC Innovation Awards and named a two-time finalist for the CSI Awards, both to be presented at IBC 2018.

IBC 2018 Innovation Awards

Alongside Econet Media, AWS Elemental and Roku, Verimatrix is being recognized by the IBC Innovation Awards for bringing TV Everywhere services to Africa. When Econet Media acquired an exclusive partnership to distribute Netflix over Roku players in Africa, Verimatrix and AWS Elemental implemented adaptive bit rate (ABR) streaming plus content security for all types of OTT devices, using a single HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) format and a unique DRM. The end result provided Econet with a single, coherent solution that combines the content security management, encryption, and encoding processes – earning the collaborators a place on the shortlist for the awards’ “Content Distribution” category.


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In addition, Verimatrix is shortlisted for two CSI Awards: “Best Data Storage Solution” for Verspective™ Intelligence and “Best IoT Innovation” for Vtegrity™, following two consecutive wins in 2016 and 2017. Both introduced within the past year, Vtegrity is a cloud-based IoT solution that addresses security threats and life cycle management, while Verspective Intelligence serves to help organizations make informed, data-driven decisions about their businesses. Verspective Intelligence is the newest addition to the Verspective Analytics solution suite, which was recognized with the CSI Award for “Best Data & Analytics Innovation” in 2017.

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“Every September we look forward to attending IBC, and we are especially excited now to have received such a high level of acknowledgement from the industry three times over,” said Steve Oetegenn, president, Verimatrix. “Being shortlisted for the IBC Innovation Award is a huge testament to our ground-breaking achievements with AWS Elemental and Roku on behalf of Econet in Africa, and to win would be an incredible honor for us all.

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AWSIBC Innovation AwardNewsSteve OetegennVerimatrix
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