Upcoming ConnecTechAsia Summit Highlights Importance of Cloud and Intelligent Enterprises

Featuring three tracks – NetworkComms, EmergingTech and BroadcastMedia, ConnecTechAsia Summit will spotlight megatrends and disruptive strategies driving digital evolution

ConnecTechAsia, the inaugural umbrella event encompassing CommunicAsia, BroadcastAsia, and the new NXTAsia, will take place from 26-28 June at Marina Bay Sands and Suntec Singapore with a spotlight on the latest technology innovations and the most critical shifts that are impacting businesses and audiences today.

“As enterprises transform themselves digitally, they are beginning to reap the benefits of their initiatives. However, evolving consumer demands and emergence of new technologies continue to accelerate the pace of disruption. Businesses need to stay informed of the impact of such technologies and leverage on these to innovate and remain competitive in a digital future,” said Victor Wong, Project Director (Telecom, Media, Technology), UBM, organiser of ConnecTechAsia.

Running alongside the three-day exhibition, the ConnecTechAsia Summit features an exciting line-up of keynotes and panel discussions from over 220 senior executive speakers, covering the convergence of the technology, media, and telecom (TMT) sector, cloud adoption, the evolution towards intelligent enterprises and how technological disruption is driving change.

Key speakers include:
  • Richard Harshman, Managing Director, Asia Pacific & JapanGoogle Cloud
  • Dr. Derek Wang, Chief Cloud Architect, Alibaba Cloud International
  • Tony Zameczkowski, Vice President – Business Development Asia, Netflix
  • Rohit Dhawan, Consulting Director – Applied Intelligence, Accenture Digital ASEAN
  • Dr. Guo Feng, CTO (Enterprise IoT), Enterprise Business Group, Huawei
  • Chatri Sityodtong, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, ONE Championship
  • Ian Yip, Chief Technology Officer – Asia PacificMcAfee
  • Caroline Doulcet, Vice President, International Data Privacy Counsel, Barclays
  • Bill Chang, Chief Executive Officer – Group Enterprise , Singtel
  • Shabir Momin, Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer, ZengaTV
  • Dr. Robert M. Pepper, Head – Global Connectivity Policy and Planning, Facebook

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In a landscape where data is fast becoming the currency of the digital future, the confluence of the three key technologies – Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud and Immersive technologies – points to an acceleration towards the intelligent enterprise.

Artificial Intelligence to Drive Business Growth

AI is still in its early stages of adoption, however as it matures, it will permeate into all levels of the organization. With AI revolutionizing work processes and taking on repetitive, time-consuming tasks, organizations now have the ability to focus their resources to drive strategic growth.

In fact, AI is projected to double annual economic growth rates in 2035[i], driving the digital enterprise of tomorrow that is both agile and operationally efficient. The amount of data is expanding exponentially and AI will allow enterprises to make sense of the data for in-depth analysis and guide business direction.

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Rohit Dhawan

“From the boardroom to the trading floor, AI is already transforming industries with intelligent, data-driven insights,” said Rohit Dhawan, Consulting Director – Accenture Applied Intelligence, ASEAN, and speaker at the ConnecTechAsia Summit.

Rohit added, “To drive efficiencies and new growth, companies should embed AI into the core of business in conjunction with advanced analytics, human ingenuity, and industry expertise, a concept we call applied intelligence.”

Rohit will be discussing case studies of companies that have transformed their supply chains by successfully leveraging digital, AI and machine learning technologies to achieve last mile delivery in his session, ‘AI-driven Digital Supply Chains: The Secret Weapon for Last Mile Delivery’ on 28 June.

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Cloud to Unlock Data’s True Potential

As the world becomes increasingly global, cloud offers the ideal platform for organizations to manage and store their data, with the flexibility to operate without borders. Beyond benefits of agility and cost savings, the cloud will enable organizations to tap into integrated data analytics and AI solutions to analyze their data to gain better business and customer insights. Organisations can therefore easily leverage on the cloud to kickstart their digital transformation and reap cost savings, as it offers scalability and flexibility as they grow. By 2020, it is predicted that a corporate ‘no-cloud’ policy will be as rare as a ‘no-internet’ policy is today[ii].

Dr. Derek Wang

“Cloud offers the benefit of a scalable approach that is suited to the organization’s budget and pace of growth. For enterprises, cloud is a cost-competitive offering with needed computing power and when coupled with data intelligence solutions, allows the enterprise to unlock the true potential of their data efficiently and accelerate the data-driven digital transformation at this digital age,” said Dr. Derek Wang, Chief Cloud Architect, Alibaba Cloud International who will be discussing how businesses can restructure and digitise the business to better suit the smart era powered by cloud computing.

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AIAlibaba Cloud InternationalConnecTechAsiaConnecTechAsia SummitDigital Supply ChainsDr. Derek WangNews
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