NRSInsights Debuts Monthly Same-Store Retail Sales Report

NRSInsights Debuts Monthly Same-Store Retail Sales Report

-The NRS retail network comprises over 16,000 convenience stores, bodegas and other independent retailers in urban neighborhoods nationwide

-Consumer spending at NRS retailers surged in July 2022 – increasing 9.2% year over year and 6.5% from June

NRSInsights, a provider of sales data and analytics drawn from retail transactions processed through the National Retail Solutions (NRS) nationwide point-of-sale (POS) platform, announced comparative same-store sales results for July, 2022.

The NRSInsights Same-Store Retail Sales Report for July, 2022 is the first in a planned series. The report is intended to provide timely topline data reflective of sales at its network of independent, urban, retail stores.

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Over the prior eleven months, the three-month rolling average of the NRS same store retail sales data have exhibited a statistically significant correlation with the US Commerce Department’s Advance Monthly Retail Trade data excluding food services (r =0.725, p = 0.012).

The US Commerce Department’s Advance Monthly Retail Sales for Retail and Food Service is typically released between the 14th and 17th days of the subsequent month. NRSInsights intends to release its Same-Store Retail Sales Report on or before the 5th business day of the subsequent month.

The NRSInsights data have not been adjusted to reflect inflation, demographic distributions, seasonal buying patterns, item substitution, or other factors that may facilitate comparisons to other periods, to other same store retail sales data, or to the US Commerce Department’s retail data.

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