Leslie Chu Appointed as Westwin’s Chief Revenue Officer

Leslie joins Westwin after accumulating years of experience in executive roles at several of the region’s leading Internet companies

Westwin, a leading Chinese marketing consulting firm, announced on September 3, 2018 that Leslie Chu has been appointed as the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO).

Since 2004, Leslie has served as general manager of Microsoft’s online services group in Taiwan and Hong Kong and CRO of TripAdvisor. Leslie said he is looking forward to joining Westwin and believes he can work with his revenue team to help the company maintain its leading position in the cross-border marketing sector.

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Chu: A Seasoned Executive with 20 Years of Experience

A proven leader, Leslie Chu has over 20 years of leadership positions covering a diverse set of high-tech industries that includes ERP, digital marketing and online travel sectors. Prior to 2004, Leslie served in increasingly senior roles at Yahoo! Hong Kong, CLP Power and Lycos Asia.

From 2004 to 2012, Chu was the General Manager of Microsoft’s online service business group in Hong Kong and Taiwan. During Chu’s tenure, MSN tripled its number of users and its online advertising sales rose 600% in Hong Kongand 300% in Taiwan. In 2012, Leslie accepted the position of Chief Revenue Officer at TripAdvisor. Over the following six years, he built TripAdvisor’s advertising sales system from scratch and increased sales by 500%.

“We believe Leslie is an excellent fit for Westwin,” said Anderson Liu, CEO of Westwin. “I’ve known Leslie for a long time and he has demonstrated his leadership skills, corporate management experience and powerful network in the industry for over 20 years. Leslie, as CRO, will give Westwin a huge edge in maximizing potential in cross-border marketing.”

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Microsoft DNA plus Cross-border Business Helped Make the Decision

Asked why he decided to join Westwin, Leslie Chu explained that there are two big reasons: the Microsoft DNA behind Westwin and enormous opportunities in cross-border business.

Formerly known as MSN China, Westwin has been providing over 6,000 domestic enterprises with advanced online advertising solutions. In August 2016, the former management of MSN China announced the acquisition of the key businesses and assets of MSN China and re-christened them Westwin, a company now focused on cross-border business. Westwin is committed to helping Chinese businesses stake a position in the global market, while also enabling leading international companies to gain a foothold in the massive Chinese market.

Leslie’s and Westwin’s shared “Microsoft DNA” comes together to create a strong foundation and a powerful dynamic. Leslie said, “I worked with several members of Westwin’s current staff during my Microsoft days so it’s all very familiar. I believe that Westwin has a forward-looking perspective combined with powerful execution and strength. I am confident that Westwin will achieve its goal of becoming a cross-border marketing leader.”

Moreover, Leslie thinks there is unlimited potential in China’s cross-border business. With the implementation of China’sBelt and Road Initiative, more Chinese firms will shift their focus to overseas markets while foreign brands need greater understanding of the Chinese landscape and Chinese consumers. Seizing the cross-border opportunity, Leslie aims to help Westwin not only maintain its industry leadership but also utilize technology to maximize business efficiency.

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Anderson LiuLeslie ChuMicrosoftNewsWestwin
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