John Asher Nominee for The 2018 Best Book Award by American Book Fest

Asher Strategies announced today the book Close Deals Faster, authored by John Asher, CEO at Asher Strategies, has been listed as a candidate for The 2018 Best Book Award by the American Book Fest.

“It is an honor to be recognized by American Book Fest and to be a nominee for the 2018 Best Book Award,” stated John Asher.

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Close Deals Faster consolidates the best sales methodologies and sales aptitude research into three areas of sales enablement:

  • 10 fundamental sales skills, the “blocking and tackling” of sales
  • 15 simple shortcuts to help close sales faster
  • 4 easy to learn levels of emotional intelligence to allow salespeople to expertly connect with and influence customers and prospects

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“Close Deals Faster is a great way for sales teams to kickstart changing their philosophy on how to grow their book of business. Then when teams attend a seminar, their knowledge and skillset will increase quickly since they have the background to build upon.”

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