Digital Commerce 360 Releases its 2023 Ecommerce Retailer Rankings & Data

Digital Commerce 360’s 2023 Top 500, Top 1000 and Next 1000 Databases rank and analyze North America’s largest online retailers based on 2022 web sales.

Digital Commerce 360 is revealing its highly-anticipated 2023 North American online retailer rankings—an industry staple and trusted source of ecommerce data for nearly two decades. This year, the databases feature hundreds of rising stars that have made strides in digital growth, outside of the most well-known brands.

The 2023 Top 1000 Database highlights North America’s leading 1,000 online retailers that collectively sold $1.02 trillion in ecommerce sales and accounted for 77.4% of total U.S. retail sales in 2022. The 2023 Top 500 Database, which consists of the highest-performing retailers, sold $968.6 billion worth of goods and accounted for over 95% of the Top 1000’s collective online sales last year.

As in previous years, retailers in the 2023 Next 1000 Database, which rank just below the Top 1000, continue to be the ones to watch. Like the impressive growth of their counterparts in the Top 1000, these retailers grew another 5.9% and sold $16.96 billion in online sales in 2022.

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—Despite slowing growth rates, Amazon is still larger (by $3 billion) than the next 33 ecommerce companies combined, ranked from No. 2 Walmart to No. 34 Ferguson
—The fastest-growing group of the Top 1000 are retailers ranked 101-200
—The fastest-growing sub-category is Off-Price Apparel
—The median web sales of retailers ranked in the Top 1000 was $140 million in 2022


—Rankings by 2022 web sales and total web sales range (5 years exact sales in Pro plans)
—Key performance metrics, including growth, average ticket, conversion rate and website traffic, regional % of sales, and much more
—Full operations, including omnichannel services, marketplaces sold on, website features and functions, customer service, payment options and international shipping
—Company information, including merchant type, primary merchandise category, corporate address, year launched and vendor details
—Share of sales from mobile devices and cross-border sales by region
—Email marketing and shopper demographics


—Sub-Categories are here! Over 90 new sub-categories have been added to the filters within our 15 main categories
—7 new metrics under Retailer Summary
—4 new metrics under operations for web performance
—4 new shipping metrics
—3 new payment types

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