CognitOps Launches the Industry’s First Warehouse-Wide Predictive and Prescriptive Performance Analytics Solution

“Align Facility” Enables Distribution Center Leaders to Proactively Manage and Optimize Wall-to-Wall Warehouse Performance

CognitOps, the leader in artificial intelligence-powered warehouse labor planning and optimization software, launched the industry’s first solution to manage warehouse performance at a facility-level with consistent metrics, comprehensive views and predictive analytics spanning the entire operation.

With CognitOps Facility pulling cross-department and cross-module warehouse data into a single, consistent analytics view, supervisors and managers can achieve the ideal labor balance across the entire warehouse, powering optimal building performance.

“Our vision has always been to provide warehouse leaders with the ability to manage their buildings as optimized machines – ensuring flow from receiving to inventory to picking to shipping,” said Alex Ramirez, co-founder and CEO, CognitOps. “That vision is further realized with Facility.”

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Warehouse supervisors and managers are constantly trying to assess the state of their building and each department. This often meant relying on the capabilities within siloed tools like WMS, LMS, WES, and more. However, these lack the ability to look across the facility to see departments falling behind and others that might be surging ahead.

Now, with Facility pulling cross-department and cross-module data into a single, consistent analytics view, supervisors and managers can achieve the ideal labor balance across the entire warehouse, powering optimal building performance.

“The best leaders don’t manage their facilities department by department,” explained Reas Macken, co-founder and Head of Product, CognitOps. “The operations manager is responsible for the whole facility. We built CognitOps from the bottom up to not only show managers where problems lie but also to make uncovering the root cause and resolving issues easier. The release of the Facility module gets us one step closer to fulfilling the vision of the Align product.”

“We saw the value of CognitOps’ warehouse-level visibility firsthand,” said Griselle Paradizo, Operations Manager, Performance Health. “The Order Pool view alerted us to some aged orders so we could release them, keep operations running smoothly, and orders going out on-time.”

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Today, CognitOps Align Facility offers two components:

  • Order Fulfillment: Supervisors can see how orders progress through the facility, predict whether orders are scheduled to ship on time, monitor overall facility throughput, and proactively fix at-risk orders.
  • Facility Labor Performance: Supervisors can see holistic performance KPIs including utilization, efficiency, and productivity across the entire building and for individual workers, while also getting recommendations on balancing labor across the departments to achieve flow in the building.

CEO Alex Ramirez will be attending the Digital Supply Chain Transformation Assembly in Charlotte, NC October 29-30, 2024. Contact us if you’d like to schedule time to learn more.

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Alex RamirezCognitOpsGriselle ParadizoNewsoperations manageroptimization softwarePerformance HealthPrescriptive Performance Analytics Solution