Closers Media brings Marketing Operations Leader Garrio Harrison on as a Partner to Ensure their Sales Training Seamlessly Integrates with Existing Marketing Programs

Closers Media, the company behind award-winning sales podcast, Coffee&Closers, brings Garrio Harrison on as a Partner to ensure it’s Sales Training and Sales Playbook takes into account the needs of existing marketing efforts for their clients.

Delloit’s 2017 CMO Survey suggests businesses are allocating up to 11% of actual or projected gross revenues. However, marketing not being informed by real-time sales insights is a challenge for most small and medium-sized businesses resulting in marketing investment inefficiencies at best and company impacting revenue loss at worst.

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With the insights Harrison brings to the table existing marketing can expect the Closers Playbook and Sales Training to:

Help clients minimize their sunk cost by leveraging their existing marketing efforts during sales training to drive results.
Provide clients a tight feedback loop to reduce wasted marketing efforts during Close Coaching.
Insights from Closer’s sales training will be used to Fastrack sales and marketing alignment.

Garrio brings experience:
Managing marketing operations for one of the largest coworking companies in the country, overseeing both MQLs and SQLs.
Led business education for AIGA Minnesota, the midwest chapter in the largest design organization in the USA.
Developed a digital marketing framework for small to mid-size businesses that leverage technology, social media, existing customer data, their team’s digital professional network and combine it with their business’ brand’s story to streamline their sales and marketing alignment efforts.

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“Garrio was the missing piece we had been searching for”, Closers Media Co-Founder and Chief Revenue Officer said in a statement. “We are 100% focused on driving results for our clients, now with our 15+ years of award-winning sales/coaching experience & Garrio’s 15+ years in RevOps, we provide the market a true, end to end, revenue-results generating offering.”

Harrison said: “I’m excited to join the Closers team. For far too long, the majority of marketing efforts in organizations are funded through top-down budgets detached from the rising cost of creative execution. The result is marketing’s need to manage an increasing number of complex creative and cross-functionally dependent projects, demonstrate results, and to stay on top of ever-evolving industry trends. Bringing realtime sales insights and marketing initiatives together is a best way to streamline business results moving forward.”

“Our goal all along has been to provide a natural tie between our Sales training & existing marketing efforts so that our clients can leverage sales learned insights immediately, with Garrio on the team, this dream is now a reality.” Bedore stated.

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