ActiveCampaign Announces Conversations, the Automation-Driven Omni-Channel Communication Platform

New conversational platform, built on ActiveCampaign, releases chat and email in private beta

ActiveCampaign, the leader in intelligence-driven sales and marketing automation for SMBs, announced Conversations, a new conversational platform built on the ActiveCampaign platform, in private beta, to reinvent how small businesses communicate with their customers. Through Conversations, small- and medium-sized businesses can leverage the power of the leading marketing automation platform to meaningfully connect and engage with their customers in the most relevant channel at the most convenient times, capturing all of the touchpoints along the way within ActiveCampaign.

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“With so many different channels for communicating, it’s critical that businesses can reach their customers where they are,” said Jason VandeBoom, Founder and CEO of ActiveCampaign. “We’ve democratized access for small businesses to leverage the power of automations and we’re continuing to iterate to help SMBs grow their business through meaningful interactions with their customers. With Conversations, small businesses around the world will be able to save time by enhancing their Conversations with automations, while giving internal teams the context they need to better communicate, ultimately improving the customer experience.”

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Conversations is built specifically for SMBs, connecting anonymous and known contact attributes, like purchase behavior, website activity, chats, and more, to provide the intelligence businesses need to provide a better customer experience. And by leveraging the industry-leading automation platform, SMBs will see ActiveCampaign orchestrating personalized experiences for their customers, regardless of where they are in their customer journey.

“Conversations integrates with everything we have in place, taking out much of the work we had to do manually before,” said Nick McGuire of Argo Translation. “When a visitor starts a chat and provides their email address, ActiveCampaign automatically creates a contact, assigns a prospect score, and seamlessly works with all of our automations. Now, our team can focus on creating the best experience for our customers.”

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ActiveCampaignArgo TranslationJason VandeBoomNewsNick McGuire
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