Looking for the Perfect SalesTech Stack?

A salestech stack is a collection of sales software that an organization chooses to use to help achieve central goals. The aim of any salestech stack or sales stack is to help make the sales process more efficient and effective.

When it comes to Sales, every Salesperson or Sales team will have a set of qualifying questions in place just to make sure that they go after the most viable prospects. The B2B buying and selling process is already infamous for its longevity and complexity. Knowing how your salestech stack can help reduce sales cycles while increasing the incidents of wins is crucial to sales success today!

When it comes to technology sales, or more specifically, B2B sales, the right salestech stack can enable your efforts more successfully.

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What is a Salestech Stack?

A salestech stack is a collection of sales software that an organization chooses to use to help achieve central goals. The aim of any salestech stack or sales stack is to help make the sales process more efficient and effective,

Sales Technology is evolving rapidly, enabling sales teams to focus more of their time on actual selling as opposed to tactical or administrative tasks.

When picking your SalesTech Stack

Leading CRM vendor HubSpot uses their own Inbound Sales Methodology to frame their sales process and to some extent their sales tech stack adoption policy.

They do this because identifying the right salestech stack for a particular company’s specific needs begins with identifying lags in the current sales process! This also helps in streamlining the sales processes further while making the day to day work lives of every sales person far easier.

So how do you get the perfect salestech stack?

It might help to start with:

  1. Product Demo Software

Half of a salesperson’s task will be successfully accomplished if their pitch resonates with the prospect! In technology sales, product demos when done right can help a prospect visually see the value-add a product offers besides just knowing more about their solutions and features.

In technology sales, a product demo is oftentimes essential to the overall sales process. Meaning that, the right presenting software is as crucial in enabling better win rates as the actual sales pitch and sales process!

A few things to keep in mind when choosing a Product Demo Software:

Make sure it’s,

  • User-friendly
  • Easily shareable
  • Compatible across devices/platforms

Key takeaway:

Since video is a sales rep’s best friend in today’s time it helps to ensure that your product demo software supports rich video content formats!

Some Product Demo Software to Consider:

Zoom’s platform can have your presentation and collaboration needs covered. It allows you to:

  • share your screen with prospects,
  • host video meetings,
  • have a seamless presentation experience

With Prezi, you can turn your Brand’s PowerPoint into a dynamic presentation. Their features give you the ability to add movement to your slides, and to collaborate with upto 10 people at a time to work on a presentation at once. The good thing is that Prezi is compatible with PC and Mac desktops as well as iPhones, iPads, and Android devices.

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2- Scheduling Meetings

Scheduling meetings is what sales is all about. Giving your prospects the chance to schedule a meeting with you as per their convenience will help make it easier to book more meetings.

Propose a time and if that doesn’t work, ask the prospect to set a time!

Additionally, the right appointment scheduling software will reduce the immense back and forth it takes to get your meeting on the card.

Some Examples of Scheduling Software to Consider

With Calendly, you can connect with up to six of your calendars to automatically check availability. The app also has a scheduling feature and gives users the ability to host several invitees.

HubSpot Meeting Tool
When used with the free HubSpot CRM, the HubSpot Meeting Tool can be used to invite prospects to schedule meetings on your calendar, it can be synced to your Google or Office 365 calendar, and allows you to send group meeting links, and embed meeting links on your site.

3- Sales Enablement Software

The right sales enablement software and automation tools can contribute to a better email outreach, prospecting cadence, live chat experience, content creation strategy and reporting facilities.

Email is still often a primary mode of communication across age groups, with 86% of business professionals saying they prefer email over any other form of communication.

When it comes to sales, the right email, at the right time, based on the buying stage of your prospect matters.

That’s where features like email sequencing can contribute to a more tightened outreach and followup process. Products like Sales Hub or MailChimp that offer email sequencing with personalization and complete automation of followup emails allow you to reduce the time spent on chasing after every lead.

Sales enablement software is used by successful sales teams to also plan, create, send relevant content in the form of custom case studies, blogs or pdfs. By using features to understand your audience’s content consumption metrics, sales people can identify which type of content seems to be resonating most with prospects and at what stage to schedule and send those pieces of content accordingly so as to result in faster sales closures.

Successful sales leaders will also often use Sales Enablement software to align sales KPIs like Client Acquisition Rate, Number of Calls, Number of Emails, Deal Size and Conversion Rate within the CRM or reporting software.

Some Examples of Sales Enablement Software to Consider

Zoho Analytics
With Zoho Analytics, you can dive deep into sales analytics and keep track of KPIs and sales execution processes. You can integrate it with your CRM to get custom reports that track your sales pipeline.

Another tool that integrates with your CRM to give you better insight into the emails your team is sending is LeadGnome. LeadGnome allows you to protect your database of prospects and customer information, while offering powerful workflows

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If you are looking for better visibility on your teams sales conversations, Gong might help! This sales enablement software integrates with your CRM to analyze dialer calls and helps identify the best performing sales reps.

Quick Tip:

Before buying any sales software, check in with your existing martech stack to look for best-fit integrations, add-ons or plugins!

4- CRM

Sales can’t work without CRMs. Or can it? A CRM is the base foundation that supports Sales teams while also ensuring team-wide sharing of information related to prospects and customers. In short, a CRM is like the backbone for your company!

Tech Marketing and Sales teams use CRMs to facilitate better prospect relationships and to speed up their sales cycle.

When selecting a CRM, ask yourself:

What you need the CRM to do for you?
What challenges you need solved with this technology

Some Examples of CRMs to Consider

Some of the best enterprise CRM solutions change given the changing demands of the marketplace. As new technology like AI and ML becomes more common in the mainstream enterprise technology market, features will appear and disappear.

CRM vendors like Salesforce, bpm’online, Zoho, Insightly, Maximizer, Nextiva, Nimble provide an array of applications and tools in order to provide their users with as much choice as possible. HubSpot CRM offers all you need to organize, track, and nurture leads.

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Write in to psen@martechseries.com to learn more about our exclusive editorial packages and programs.

B2B buying and sellingcrmNewssales softwareSalestech stack
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