Kartra Offers an Artificial Intelligence-driven Sales and Marketing Platform for $1 Trial

The All-In-One Sales and Marketing Platform Connects Everything a Small Business Needs

Propelled by the need for an affordable All-In-One Sales and Marketing Platform Kartra celebrates the launch of the world’s first software to feature artificial intelligence for small business with a limited time $1Trial offer.

This one-of-a-kind software levels the playing field for SMB’s to utilize the same powerful marketing techniques used by some of the largest companies in the world. Users create pre-built, drag and drop Automated Marketing Sequences that trigger hyper-relevant communications based on specific actions that automatically guide prospects through a sales funnel.

Kartra uses pre-written, automated campaigns proven to capture leads that convert to sales based on people’s individual actions! The done for you campaigns are designed by the world’s foremost copywriters and elite marketing experts! Users simply drag, drop, click and sell with the press of a button to customize a campaign for their own business.

The All-In-One platform connects everything a small business needs by incorporating powerful email auto-responders, customizable marketing and product pages, multi-step funnels, attractive 1-click opt-in forms, intelligent split testing with complete reporting… video player, ad hosting, page builders, shopping cart, point of purchase order bumps, intelligent countdown timers, one click up-sells, down-sells and cross-sells, all with market-tested done for your campaigns.

“This is more affordable than anything else on the market today,” says Kartra Sales Director Mike Gerson. “Businesses can take advantage of this platform at a rate that falls within any budget. Even without the $1 Trial, Kartra is much more powerful and easier to use at less than a fraction of the cost of inferior competitors such as Infusionsoft, Click-Funnels or Salesforce.com and is just one of the reasons we love this product so much.”

Kartra helps get more customers that are worth more and remain longer while eliminating the need for a patchwork of multi-vendor modules. Instead of eight vendors costing $100 or more per month, Kartra has everything needed to run a successful business starting at just $89.

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