Outbrain Announces Strategic Global Partnership with Evolve Media

Evolve Media will implement Outbrain’s Smartfeed and Audience Development Suite to drive consumer engagement & revenue initiatives

Outbrain, the world’s leading discovery and native advertising feed for the open web, announced that it has entered into an expanded global technology partnership with Evolve Media, a publisher of leading enthusiast destinations for men and women. Through the partnership, Evolve Media will have access to Outbrain’s extensive network and full audience development suite.

The agreement will enable Evolve Media to utilize the power of Outbrain’s Smartfeed technology, helping audiences discover engaging content-from articles to videos and more. In addition, Evolve Media will utilize Outbrain’s native advertising capabilities to augment its audience acquisition strategies.

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“We’re excited to enter into a partnership with Evolve Media, whose goal is to streamline the advertising process and create stronger engagement amongst consumers,” said Josh Feller, Senior Vice President, Global Business Development at Outbrain. “Smartfeed provides flexible and scalable solutions catered to their needs increasing reader engagement and growing revenue. In addition to Smartfeed, Evolve Media will have access to Outbrain’s global audience reach and the entire suite of publisher tools, including outstream video and real-time auto-optimization capabilities.”

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Evolve Media’s use of Outbrain will help to increase engagement across each one of its global properties and will aid in personalizing the customer journey by leveraging Outbrain’s proprietary interest-graph. Outbrain’s programmatic technology will help Evolve Media in curating hyper-personalized content created towards each individual consumer.

“Outbrain’s Smartfeed technology provides us with the key benefits that we are looking for, including brand safety and quality content,” said Aaron Broder, Co-Founder and CEO at Evolve Media. “With the ever-shifting media landscape, we needed a partner with strong capabilities, especially as we scale back on the number of partners we sign with. With Outbrain, we can drive audiences to specific premium content, while increasing revenue and engagement.”

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Evolve MediaJosh FellerNewsOutbrain
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