district m Focuses on Engagement Metrics to Provide More Insight on Reporting Platform camp.

district m is proud to unveil new functionalities and a new look for camp, its reporting platform for advertisers. These new additions were built to give more control and insight to advertisers over their campaign’s performance.

district m is proud to unveil new functionalities and a new look for camp, its reporting platform for advertisers. These new additions were built to give more control and insight to advertisers over their campaign’s performance.

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Vincent Cloutier-Boucher

camp now includes a load of new functionalities, especially regarding data visualization and engagement reporting. “Engagement is becoming a prime metric,” explained Vincent Cloutier-Boucher, Solution Architect in charge of the project. “Advertisers are no longer solely interested in how many impressions they had, but how much their customers actually engaged with their brand. district m already provides high-impact and interactive formats, so it only makes sense that our platform would reflect those features.”

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Adrian Pike

Amongst the new data tracked on the platform, a variety of engagement metrics are available for each format. district m’s swipe format now shows the number of left versus right swipes, which can give valuable insight to advertisers on their most popular products. As for touch, camp now allows users to see the expansion rate and number of expanded impressions, which is when the user clicks the sticky banner to be redirected towards the rich content the format includes. The UX has also been rethought to included insight for each format, which includes days and times of day with the highest engagement rate.

The platform’s look and feel as also been rebranded to fit district m’s corporate identity. “It was one of the priority to ensure that all of our platforms would reflect district m’s branding to provide a more unified feel to our suite of products,” commented Adrian Pike, CMO. camp’s latest version is now available to all advertisers working with district m.

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