TrueDialog Introduces TrueDelivery, the First SMS Deliverability Scoring Tool for Business Texting

TrueDelivery beta customers reduced false positives by 50-80%, improving engagement and campaign performance.

TrueDialog, a leading provider of enterprise-grade SMS text messaging solutions, introduces TrueDelivery, a groundbreaking SMS deliverability alerting tool that uses AI and machine learning (ML) to increase the success rate of vendor’s SMS campaigns and ensure messages do not get erroneously flagged by carriers’ spam filters. Initial results with beta customers have reduced false positives by a remarkable 50-80%, improving engagement and campaign performance.

Revenue teams are charged fees for sending SMS messages, regardless of whether they reach their targets. If flagged as spam, these undelivered messages not only result in wasted costs but also jeopardize future communication capabilities through potential blacklisting by carriers. Furthermore, these deliverability problems undermine campaign metrics.

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TrueDelivery was built by analyzing hundreds of millions of text messages and using AI and ML to proactively assess and score messages for message deliverability before they are sent. TrueDelivery’s AI training models adapt dynamically to changes in carrier spam filters, ensuring that it remains an evolving, effective solution. This state-of-the-art tool acts as the first line of defense for enterprises that use SMS text messaging by providing instant feedback, enabling authors to edit content for significantly improved deliverability and cost savings.

“When generative AI was released to the public, we quickly began working on a way to harness its power to identify messages from reputable senders that may be incorrectly marked as spam and making suggestions to correct them,” said John Wright, CEO of TrueDialog. “TrueDelivery is our newest AI feature, joining TrueDialog’s AI Chat Assistant, which suggests quick responses to customers’ 1:1 inbound texts for revenue and customer success teams.”

Key benefits of TrueDelivery include:

  • Campaign Success: Increases the efficiency and impact of SMS marketing campaigns.
  • Reduced Costs: Prevents unnecessary fees by reducing false positives being marked as spam.
  • Boosts Engagement: Helps vendors maintain strong customer relationships through reliable communication.

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Enterprise SMS Statistics

  • According to a 2022 report by CTIA, an industry trade group representing wireless communication sectors, text messages have a 98% open rate.
  • In 2021, Forrester reported businesses that use texting attributed 12.8% of their online revenue to SMS marketing.
  • Beyond Market Insights, an analyst firm, expects the A2P SMS messaging market to grow by 4% annually, to reach $89.2 billion in 2030. A2P stands for Application to Person and refers to any text message a business sends to consumers using a software application.

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AI and machine learningBusiness TextingCampaign Performancegenerative AINewsSMS Deliverability Scoring ToolSMS messagesTrueDeliveryTrueDialog