Granite Telecommunications Saves Over $635,000/Month with Automation Anywhere’s Cloud-Native Intelligent Automation Platform

Over 80 automations save Granite Telecommunications’ workforce thousands of hours completing mundane, manual processing tasks

Automation Anywhere, the #1 leader in cloud-native intelligent automation, announced that Granite Telecommunications saves over $635,000 monthly on manual work, the equivalent to 15,000 worker hours, after deploying the Automation Success Platform, the world’s first cloud-native, AI-powered enterprise automation platform.

Granite Telecommunications, a leading provider of advanced communications and technology solutions to businesses throughout the United States and Canada, turned to automation to reduce the manual burden its disparate systems were placing on employees. The company selected Automation Anywhere for its superior learning curve compared to other tools.

Within the first nine months of using automation technology, Granite Telecommunications deployed over 80 automations, 10 of which were created by citizen developers at the company using the Automation 360 platform. Employees have since embraced these ‘digital coworkers’, giving their new bot sidekicks names like Betty, Barbara and Billy.

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“Automation has empowered Granite’s team to focus on more strategic and engaging initiatives,” said Paul Kostas, vice president of strategic infrastructure management at Granite Telecommunications. “We are not replacing employees with automation, but are instead fostering an environment where knowledge workers can save time on manual tasks and ultimately, pursue more lucrative positions.”

Automations Granite Telecommunications currently has digital workers in production that perform document processing for the business quoting team, accounts receivable reconciling for the collections team, soliciting field technicians around the country, and customizing billing reports for customers. In one particularly time-saving workflow, Automation Anywhere’s Document Automation bot and Google Cloud DocAI batch ingest invoices overnight, reading, extracting and populating data into a spreadsheet. A human worker simply reviews the output in the morning.

“In today’s turbulent business climate, we’re seeing companies deploy intelligent automation to completely transform their business processes, reimagine how work gets done and tackle increasingly complex challenges,” said Prince Kohli, Chief Technology Officer at Automation Anywhere. “Granite Telecommunications uses Automation Anywhere as the foundation for their automation across the company, lowering operating costs and saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in manual work.”

Since establishing an automation Center of Excellence (CoE) in 2021, Granite Telecommunications has seen enthusiasm for automation spread across the company, with employees recommending additional automation use cases. The company intends to scale its automation capabilities by training more employees outside the CoE to become citizen developers.

Automation Anywhere, Automation Success Platform, and Automation 360, are trademarks/service marks or registered trademarks/service marks of Automation Anywhere, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

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$635000/Monthadvanced communicationsAI-powered enterprise automation platform.Automation AnywhereAutomation Anywhere'sautomation Center of Excellenceautomation technologyCloud Nativecloud-native intelligent automationCloud-Native Intelligent Automation PlatformcountriesDigital Workersgranite telecommunicationsintelligent automationmanual workNewsprocessing tasksstrategic infrastructure management