Fobi To Provide CheckVax™ Vaccination and Covid Testing Verification Solution For The Retail Solutions Providers Association (RSPA) Annual Leadership Conference

Fobi To Provide CheckVax™ Vaccination and Covid Testing Verification Solution For The Retail Solutions Providers Association (RSPA) Annual Leadership Conference

RSPA Inspire Conference is the Retail IT Channel’s Premier Leadership Conference held January 23-26, 2022 in Clearwater Beach, FL.

Fobi AI Inc. Inc., a leader in providing real-time data analytics through artificial intelligence to drive customer activation and engagement, is pleased to announce that Fobi has been selected to be the Health and Safety Technology Provider for the upcoming RSPA Inspire 2022 event, to be held January 23-26 in Clearwater Beach, Florida.   Fobi will generate revenue from this deal through an initial setup fee and license fees for the wallet passes issued.

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The Retail Solutions Providers Association (RSPA) is North America’s largest community of Value Added Resellers (VARs), software developers, vendors, and distributors in the retail, restaurant, grocery, and cannabis verticals, and Fobi is proud to be a member.  RSPA’s Inspire conference is the premier leadership event that brings together the industry’s most influential C-level and VP-level executives plus next generation leaders.

Inspire provides a significant opportunity to showcase CheckVax™ live in operation to solution providers of retailers seeking to implement large scale proof of vaccination and testing verification programs both internally for employees and staff but also in efforts to improve the customer experience by way of speeding up access to their retail locations and venues. This opportunity to meet directly with some of the biggest players in the industry and showcase Fobi’s solutions to them is invaluable.

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RSPA Vice President of Marketing Jim Roddy stated: “Networking is the heart of the RSPA Inspire experience, and Fobi will help us network safely at this year’s conference. The RSPA team strives to serve our members above-and-beyond the norm, and this initiative is another example of that. We look forward to working with Fobi — an RSPA member themselves — to provide a safe environment for all our members at Inspire.”

As the Health and Safety Technology Provider, Fobi will implement its unique digital vaccination and testing verification solution, CheckVax™ for Inspire 2022 attendees. Attendees upload their proof of vaccination or negative test result and easily register for the event from the comfort of their homes. This results in a simplified registration process for the event with no line-ups, no manual vaccination pass checks and enhanced data security.

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AIArtificial IntelligenceCheckVaxCovid Testingdata analyticsEngagementfobiretail solutionsRSPAVaccinationVARs