DealSignal Releases New TAM Module to Help B2B Marketers Accurately Assess Their Total Audience and Identify Gaps in their CRM Data Coverage

New module helps marketing and sales teams improve account-based marketing (ABM) conversion rates by increasing coverage across their total addressable market.

DealSignal Inc., the leading On-demand Contact Data Platform for B2B Marketing and Sales, today released a new total audience measurement (TAM) module that helps B2B marketing and sales teams accurately measure and visualize their total audience and compare it against the current coverage in their CRM and marketing automation systems to identify gaps. Users can analyze their TAM by persona, account segment, and buying committee–or what the SiriusDecisions Demand Unit Waterfall refers to as Demand Units–and pinpoint data gaps that are preventing them from fully engaging all likely buyers.

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Rob Weedn

“We’ve run hundreds of TAM analyses for B2B marketing teams in various industries and customers are consistently surprised to find that they’re missing more than 80 percent of their target audience—the contacts that fit their target personas and ideal customer profile. TAM coverage is currently averaging 18 percent. It’s a big ‘aha moment’ to learn that you’re missing out on marketing or selling to a large majority of your potential buyers. Often, the best potential buyers–those most likely to convert–are among the missing contacts found in the gap analysis,” said DealSignal Founder & CEO, Rob Weedn.

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The DealSignal Platform enables users to define detailed target personas and ideal customer profiles and use those re-usable building blocks to run TAM analyses. Using a unique combination of AI, APIs, robots, and professional data researchers to ensure the industry’s highest B2B coverage, accuracy, and contactability, the TAM module aggregates, analyzes, and compares that target audience to the user’s CRM data and delivers a series of visualizations and analytics that show the size and scope of the total available audience and pinpoint CRM coverage gaps: by account, industry, geography, and additional dimensions. With a clear picture of the contacts and accounts they’re missing, users can then choose to perform net-new contact and/or account discovery, and enrich and verify their current data, to improve their total audience coverage.

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DealSignalNewsRob Weedn
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