InsightSquared’s Marketing Analytics Helps Erase the Lines Between Marketing and Sales

Comprehensive Marketing Analytics Solution Allows Marketers to Better Understand, Measure, and Prove Marketing’s Impact on Revenue is Now Generally Available

InsightSquared, the leading provider of Revenue Intelligence solutions, announced that Marketing Analytics, the company’s all-in-one suite of marketing performance dashboards, is now generally available. Originally launched in private beta at InsightSquared’s annual Ramp Conference, Market Analytics is now available to any marketing teams looking for a complete solution that enables them to make data-driven decisions around marketing-sales handoff, attribution, and future spend. Since the beta launch in August, InsightSquared is seeing traction with its initial beta customers who have expressed the benefits and the value Marketing Analytics is bringing to their organizations.

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Develop Joint Strategies to Create and Convert More Leads, Optimize Programs, and Maximize Spend with Marketing Analytics

“With no unified platform to examine the specifics of the hand-off process, sales and marketing leaders often spend hours arguing over lead follow-up,” said Matisha Ladiwala, General Manager and VP of Product at InsightSquared.

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Matisha added, “Existing marketing analytics tools are of little help in bridging the gap between sales and marketing and aligning goals. InsightSquared’s Marketing Analytics solution offers a common language, enabling marketing and sales leaders to better understand the connection between these two important revenue generating parts of the business, and to develop joint strategies to create and convert more leads, optimize programs, and maximize spend.”

InsightSquared’s Marketing Analytics solution provides a full-funnel picture of the revenue generating lifecycle. By arming marketing leaders with these insights, they can determine which activities to invest in, justify spend, and prove marketing’s contribution to the business. The end result is more credibility and collaboration with sales and within the business as a whole.

InsightSquared’s Marketing Analytics Becomes The One-Stop-Shop for Data-Driven Decision Making

At the time of this announcement, Brian Hansford, Vice President, Marketing Performance at Heinz Marketing, said, “There are vendors in the space that are successful at demand management or marketing attribution on their own. However, by answering questions around marketing-sales handoff, program ROI and future spend, InsightSquared’s Marketing Analytics enables marketing teams to answer the right questions, all in one place. It’s the modern marketer’s one-stop-shop for data-driven decision making.”

Marketing Analytics beta customers have noticed a number of critical benefits in using the all-in-one platform, including improved relationships between sales and marketing teams, with the conversation shifting from data accuracy to creating actions together that improve performance and generate more revenue.

“Managing the marketing-to-sales handoff process has always been a hurdle for marketers,” said Saul Garcia, Sales & Marketing Operations Manager at Aventri.

Saul added, “With InsightSquared’s Marketing Analytics, we now have visibility into demand generated by marketing, how it progresses through the funnel, and the conversion rates. Marketing can ensure the leads they worked so hard to generate are followed up on, and sales can work the right leads to close more business. In the end, both teams bring in more revenue for the business.”

Currently, InsightSquared helps revenue operations professionals make better decisions by equipping them with actionable, real-time intelligence on sales and marketing KPIs. Businesses rely on the company’s solutions to forecast more accurately, better manage pipeline, tailor rep coaching based on individual performance, understand their marketing attribution, and conduct data-backed planning and analysis.

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AventriHeinz MarketingInsightSquaredMarketing AnalyticsNewsRamp ConferenceRevenue Intelligence
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