Jeff Rumburg of MetricNet Named to HDI’s Top 25 Thought Leaders List for 2018

For the third consecutive year, Jeff Rumburg, Managing Partner of MetricNet, LLC, was named one of HDI‘s Top 25 Thought Leaders for 2018. Mr. Rumburg is among an elite group of individuals chosen for this award that have deep knowledge of the industry’s greatest challenges and triumphs. Each thought leader was nominated by their peers in the industry.

“I am deeply honored and humbled to have once again been nominated by the IT Service and Support community.” said Jeff Rumburg. “To the other 24 thought leaders who were chosen for this title, as well as to all of those who were nominated, I offer my sincere congratulations. Your contributions to the industry consistently benefit service and support professionals worldwide and I am particularly humbled to share this very distinguished award with such a remarkable group.”

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The 25 individuals chosen for this award are well known in the technical service and support community as consultants, bloggers, speakers, mentors and practitioners. They lead by example, contribute valuable insight on a daily basis, produce groundbreaking research that shapes the future of the industry, and share knowledge that helps address the challenges commonly faced by industry professionals.

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Mr. Rumburg is the winner of the Ron Muns Lifetime Achievement Award, was named to HDI’s Top 25 Thought Leaders list for three consecutive years, and has served on HDI’s Strategic Advisory Board. He is co-founder and Managing Partner of MetricNet, LLC, where he is responsible for global strategy, product development, and client engagement delivery. As a leading expert in benchmarking and re-engineering, Mr. Rumburg authored a best- selling book on benchmarking, and has been retained as a benchmarking expert by such iconic companies as American Express, USAA, Coca Cola, and Emory Healthcare.

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