AWS and Zoom Extend Strategic Relationship

AWS and Zoom Extend Strategic Relationship

AWS continues to be Zoom’s preferred cloud provider to seamlessly grow its core video meeting platform and innovate new customer experiences using AWS’s unmatched portfolio of services

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an, Inc. company, announced that Zoom Video Communications, Inc. has selected AWS as its preferred cloud provider. The multi-year agreement extends the longstanding relationship between the two companies, enabling Zoom to rapidly scale its service on the world’s leading cloud, rise to the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, and deliver reliable services and continuous innovation for its expanding base of corporate and individual customers. Zoom will continue to leverage AWS’s global infrastructure and unmatched portfolio of services – including capabilities in compute, storage, content distribution, and security – to create a seamless, secure extension of its data centers. In addition, AWS and Zoom are collaborating to develop new solutions for Zoom’s enterprise users, leveraging the breadth and depth of AWS to integrate Zoom services with Amazon devices and capabilities to make it easier for organizations to run hybrid office and remote work models.

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“Looking forward, we will continue to innovate alongside AWS to reinvent virtual collaboration and deliver secure and exciting experiences for our customers.”

AWS has supported Zoom since 2011, and earlier this year when the COVID-19 pandemic began impacting businesses, schools, and governments around the world, Zoom expanded its relationship with AWS to keep up with surging demand as hundreds of millions of new Zoom participants began to use the platform for everything from online education to business meetings to social gatherings to exercise classes. Over the past year, Zoom has grown on AWS to accommodate an increase from 10 million daily meeting participants in December 2019 to more than 300 million a day regularly since April 2020. Beginning in February 2020, engineering teams from AWS and Zoom worked around the clock and across remote locations to securely and reliably meet the needs of this vast, globally dispersed user community, adding tens of thousands of Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instances (virtual servers) to Zoom’s overall capacity, even adding thousands of instances in a day as usage demanded.

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With AWS, Zoom is ready to meet customer demand with low latency anywhere in the world, while continuously delivering new features that improve the Zoom user experience. Today, leveraging AWS, Zoom is able to seamlessly scale with global demand for its services. Zoom now provides video conferencing technology to more than 130,000 schools globally at no charge, as well as millions of families and individuals, in addition to the company’s traditional enterprise-scale users – businesses, governments, healthcare and educational institutions, and other large organizations.

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Amazon Web ServicesAWSbusiness meetingsCOVID-19EC2NewsRemote worksocial gatheringsZoom
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