Voicea Eases Your Need to Attend Every Meeting At Work With New “Teams” Product

“Channels” Help Users Get Highlights with Less Time Spent in Actual Meetings

Voicea, (formerly Voicera) announces the release of Teams, an enterprise offering that tackles the complex issue of too much time spent in meetings.  Voicea’s Teams makes meetings a structured data asset that can be accessed by an entire team. This structured meeting content enables others who were unable to attend to still benefit from the ideas, discussions, and actions shared.  Teams ensure that they can extract the value and receive actions in a faster, more accurate manner, regardless of attendance.

US business professionals sit in an average of 3.7 hours of meetings daily and for many, attendance is largely required to ensure project progression and knowledge transfer.  This creates both meeting clutter and a lack of prioritization.  With Voicea’s Teams, meetings are no longer ephemeral and constrained to the attendees, their power and impact have been extended through channels.

Teams prevents muddied knowledge transfer, which usually lacks the context of meeting conversation.  Voicea’s meeting highlights and summaries are captured by user commands plus AI and these can be shared through new team Channels.  Business users can then assess meetings that are important to attend and participate versus the meetings they need to be aware of but not attend.  This helps solve the professional “fear of missing out” or FOMO, that many executives and managers experience.

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“We believe everyone who attends a meeting should fully participate.  But if you can’t attend, you may still need a fast and reliable way to understand what happened”  says Omar Tawakol, CEO of Voicea.  “Meetings are the single largest unstructured data asset in the enterprise.  By structuring and activating meeting voice data, we want to help everyone at work to become even more productive.”

Teams seamlessly allow users to sort meetings via channels and projects and provide access to key members on your internal and external teams. Voicea users have seen dramatic increases in efficiency as a result of using these tools. On average, Voicea users save up to six hours per week on meeting follow-up and 77 percent of users report a dramatic increase in their conversation follow-up.

Teams also provide administrative rights so businesses can decide who can access and review meeting content either within the domain or beyond.

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“The Teams product addresses a very specific challenge within companies like ours – too many meetings, too much time required for follow up and not enough time in the week to get everything done,” says Dan Savino, Vice President Of IT at SelectQuote.  “At Selectquote we are constantly looking for tools to improve productivity and this represents one specific area where we see an immediate value to be found.”

Teams represent the beginning of the next step for AI tools at work. Voicea will be rolling out a series of features aimed directly at the enterprise.  Voicea believes that users are more comfortable with AI note taking because they realize it saves them time and allows them to focus.  Over the last year, Voicea (formerly Voicera) has seen wide adoption in all sorts of companies, ranging from 10-person to 10,000-person organizations.

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Dan SavinoNewsOmar TawakolTeamsVoicea
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