Sandvine Awarded Multi-Million Dollar Contract from Large Australian Service Provider

Sandvine Awarded Multi-Million Dollar Contract from Large Australian Service Provider

Meeting surging high speed Internet demand for remote work, learning, and digital services

A large Australian service provider has selected Sandvine’s Service Innovation and Intelligence portfolio to optimize its network performance and deliver a high quality of experience (QoE) to communities and businesses across Australia.

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Under the multi-year, multi-million dollar contract, the new service provider customer will be deploying several of Sandvine’s unique pre-packaged software modules including: network performance monitoring and analysis, service and subscriber analysis, video and VoIP QoE analysis, and congestion management for consumer and enterprise customers. These use cases will help the service provider accurately measure and understand usage, and improve customer experiences.

Lyn Cantor, CEO, Sandvine said: “Surging Internet traffic from video, entertainment and social networking, and massive shifts in where we work and live is having a major impact on networks globally. This new customers’ innovations combined with Sandvine’s unique real-time application visibility, contextual insights, and inline actions to optimize services will ensure that users can continue to have a great digital experience.”

Sandvine is providing its industry-leading ActiveLogic network intelligence platform. The platform will be handling a capacity of almost 4 Terabits per second. The solution also includes the company’s Active Network Intelligence portal to visualize user, application and usage trends, and Maestro Policy Engine to deliver new services.

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