Nwicode Raises $1 million Seed Round With Wefunder By allowing All Existing Customers To Own Part Of Nwicode Inc

NWICODE CMS – Service for the quick creation and management of content for mobile applications for IOS and Android platforms gives everyone the opportunity to become a shareholder of the company by investing from $100 and more

Nwicode Whether your business wants to build, launch, or scale its mobile app, the same priorities are true: you want it done quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. By disrupting traditional processes, Nwicode guarantees customers, from sole proprietors to business leaders, just that. With a business model that dares to look at mobile app development in a different way, building through SAAS software designers or agencies are no longer the only two options. As we enter the new year, the company wants to make sure that those who want to create their own software are fully familiar with the third option and the opportunities that Nwicode provides and opens up for the future of their business.

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The Nwicode team has created a company that should belong to the community!

Founders raise investment funds to capitalize on the opportunity that opens up to them.

As one of the founders of the company Semion Matyash said:
“We could attract this money is from institutional investors or millionaires and billionaires. But we want to raise it for you-the customers and the community who have supported us through every step of our journey. Just as we founded this company, in part to boost the local economy and create jobs, we want to invite ordinary people here (and around the world) to take advantage of the wealth that our growth creates. We are not asking for donations here. This is not a Kickstarter. We invite you to become investors in Nwicode. As the company grows, you get a financial return on your investment”

Today, low-code and no-code platforms can become a golden lining for small and medium-sized enterprises in connection with COVID-19.

Giants like Amazon AWS have already used low-code development to improve the customer experience. Amazon conceived a platform that would give businesses the ability to “self-serve” and create solutions with minimal IT support. They have created a flexible environment that allows businesses and users to work together to quickly create and deploy processes, proposals, strategies, and other methods. They chose low-code. But when it comes to digitization, small businesses face unique challenges.

Here are a few common reasons:

  • Lack of IT support: Unlike large companies, small businesses often operate without dedicated information technology (IT) teams.
  • Fund limitations: Small businesses often have limited working capital and cannot afford big-ticket investments. And in times like the pandemic, these firms naturally choose to preserve cashflows than what may be “investing in future growth”.
  • Technological barriers: Smaller firms may not be equipped to manage such a large-scale, seemingly complex transformation, in addition to monitoring and addressing any anomalies that may arise. Finally, they are wary about data security and privacy, especially given rising cybersecurity risks.

Pushing the boundaries of traditional thinking and challenging the status quo, Nwicode developers sought to define what was in the traditional method of software development, that is, through SAAS or agency, that led to so many unfulfilled dreams.

Every step in the development process is customizable, immediate, and most importantly, pre-planned. Each Nwicode product allows you to program your own budget, schedule, approval process, functionality, and more from the start. System of specifications and prices is completely transparent, guaranteeing the maximum price from day one, and the progress of your project can be tracked in real time, so you keep control along the way. In addition, you can sleep well knowing that the quality of your final product is guaranteed.

The future is digital and businesses – big or small – cannot procrastinate digital transformation anymore. And when it comes to getting your business online, low-code development removes complexity from building great, modern business apps, making it a true silver lining in the light of COVID-19. Thanks to low-code benefits, businesses have hope to be better equipped to quickly adapt and respond to fast-changing business conditions in the future. 

All Existing CustomersBusinessMobile AppNewsNwicodeOwn Part Of Nwicode IncsalestechSeed RoundWefunder
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