SalesTechStar Interview with Tony Bailey, EVP, Solutions Factory, InterVision

Tony Bailey, EVP, Solutions Factory, InterVision comments on the future of Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) in this chat with SalesTechStar:


Hi Tony, tell us about yourself and your role at InterVision…

I’m a seasoned executive with over 30 years of experience driving outcomes for mid-to-enterprise level organizations. For the past decade, I have devoted my career to improving customer outcomes via transformational B2B SaaS IT services. I firmly believe in the flexibility, and therefore the superior accessibility and outcomes, of these technologies.

At InterVision, I lead a team of IT experts looking to build and maintain our clients’ IT systems, improving their reliability and enabling them to provide superior customer experiences (CX) in the process. Given the very real shortage of skilled IT/AI resources, InterVision provides much-needed access to highly experienced, outcome-focused experts to assist our customers within complex technologies and environments. As an example, our contact center as a service (CCaaS) solution is one of several offerings that speak to the transformational power of improved CX. We have seen clients connect with new, more diverse audiences through the power of natural language processing (NLP) and drastically reduce live agent call times thanks to AI chatbots.

We’d love to hear about InterVision’s new ConnectIV CX and how it’s revolutionizing CCaaS.

Leaders often view contact centers as cost centers because they remember negative experiences with AI chatbots and agents. However, contact center CX and agent experience have seen a quiet revolution over the past decade. Now, modern CCaaS can deliver superior customer experiences, improve satisfaction levels, and optimize the agent experience for heightened productivity.

InterVision has leveraged modern cloud computing, AI, machine learning (ML), and automation to create our ConnectIV CXTM offering, powered by AWS Connect. ConnectIV CX combines contact center services, telephony infrastructure, AI technologies, and our extensive suite of managed services to provide customers with a comprehensive, industry leading CCaaS solution. In other words, customers do not need to worry about bundling a package for self-service vs. agent-assisted or cloud-based vs. on-prem; ConnectIV CX ensures they retain access to top-of-the-line CCaaS solutions, regardless of their budget.

Additionally, ConnectIV CX boasts a consumption-based pricing model, so organizations never pay for what they do not use or need. This is a huge advancement because contact centers experience rapid fluctuations in service needs. Just imagine the difference in service capacity a retail organization requires on Black Friday versus a random day in February. With ConnectIV CX, leaders do not have to worry about preemptively adapting their CCaaS model — it grows and shrinks accordingly, 24/7.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, ConnectIV CX drastically improves the time to value of CCaaS. Customers can expect returns in weeks, not months. Our swift implementation model also includes frequent road mapping, so leaders always understand what they will receive and when.

Read More: SalesTechStar Interview with Puneet Arora, Global President,

What are some of the top challenges when it comes to modern-day contact center ops and how are new age technology enabling centers across industries (for example: finance) address them?

The longest enduring challenge for contact centers is their ability to provide high-quality, personalized CX. We have all experienced a negative, even frustrating, AI chatbot or call. However, as AI improves and contact centers become more “human” in their support, these issues become less prominent. In fact, AI chatbots are now becoming brand ambassadors, allowing marketing leaders to further fine-tune how their organization interacts with customers at every touchpoint. I foresee more progress soon, so marketing and communications leaders will become even more involved with customer support and contact center operations.

Data security and compliance leaders will also become more involved with contact centers as technologies evolve to bolster security. Contact centers frequently collect sensitive customer and client information, which must be vigilantly guarded. Data leaders and chief information security officers (CISOs) must choose solutions offering advanced encryption and secure data storage protocols to ensure they do not incur costly fees or lose precious customer loyalty. These are examples of areas that we help our customers today.

Read More: Why AI can’t make good salespeople; implementing AI into GTM processes

What thoughts do you have surrounding the future of CCaaS?

The future of CCaaS is bright. By improving the latency and reliability of AI-based CCaaS solutions, we increase the quality of customer service and agent experience. Better routing chatbot mechanisms mean fewer live agent calls. Fewer live agent calls mean a more personalized customer experience and fewer frustrating, low-level questions for your human agents. It’s truly a win-win scenario. And with CCaaS trending in the direction it currently is, I believe the ceiling of opportunity is incredibly high — and I’m excited to keep reaching toward it.

InterVision is a leading managed services provider, delivering, and supporting complex IT solutions for mid-to-enterprise and public sector organizations.

Tony Bailey, is EVP, Solutions Factory, InterVision

Also catch: Episode 164 Of The SalesStar Podcast: The Growth of Digital Experience Platforms with Darren Guarnaccia, president of Uniform

AIAI chatbotAI resourcesCCaaSchatbot mechanismschief information security officersConnectIV CXconsumption-based pricing modelContact Center as a ServiceContact Center ServicesCustomer Experiencesexperience driving outcomesexperienced a negativefine-tuneInterviewInterVisionITlatencymachine learningmodern cloud computingpublic sector organizationsReliabilityTony Bailey