SalesTechStar Interview with Karel Papik, Co-founder of Product Fruits

SalesTechStar Interview with Karel Papik, Co-founder of Product Fruits

Karel Papik, Co-founder of Product Fruits chats about the benefits of Digital Adoption Platforms and how they can enhance the end user onboarding experience:

Hi Karel, tell us about yourself and more about your role at Product Fruits… 

I founded the company with Lada Salom who actually gave birth to the idea and we’ve built it into one of the leading AI-driven digital adoption platforms. We offer a no-code interface for companies that want to make onboarding seamless, put customers in a prime position for conversion, and then measure how likely they are to actually convert. We use a proprietary AI model to help with this process, not because it’s trendy but because it works incredibly well for product adoption. Now we’re growing, and we’re growing fast.

We’d love to hear about your recent funding and what’s in store for end users of the platform / the product roadmap?

We recently announced a new round of fundraising from Reflex Capital, which is $1.6 million. This is the second round of fundraising for us within the last year, and Reflex is joining our seed-investment round investors Lighthouse Ventures, LVRG, and Venture to Future Fund. The seed round was also $1.6 million, which brings our total funding to date to around $3.5 million.

The most recent round was directly in response to our new traction with enterprise clients as well as promising new momentum in the US. We recently opened a new office in San Francisco, in fact.

Read More: SalesTechStar Interview with Dorian Ciavarella, Founder and CEO at Zeliq

What do you see as the biggest challenge in digital adoption and how are you addressing that?

Digital Adoption Platforms (DAP) are the interface between an application and its users. Within them, you create flows that help new users, provide guidance, show videos on how to use certain features, but also motivate existing users to try out features they may not have used in the app yet. This is easier to say than to accomplish.

The challenge is not the technical part, but rather how to design the onboarding process and create engaging content. In our platform, you only need to ask the AI, and it will generate a step-by-step guide or create an announcement with perfect graphics. We believe this is the future: having a platform where you don’t need to click through everything but simply state your requirements.

In order to create good onboarding processes, you need to see how users behave in the app. How do you see that?

We approach the analytics part with the same philosophy. As a product manager, you want to know what users are doing in your application, right? Have you ever tried to set up heavy duty analytics? The result is usually a jumble of funnels that is next to impossible to really understand. Analytical tools can measure a lot, but it’s very difficult to derive clear, actionable insights from them. This is the problem we solve. The outcome of our analytics is not an insanely complex or unclear graph with overlapping user journeys, but clear recommendations like “Users who convert the best are those who use this part of your tool. Try directing more users there. Should I show you how?” or “Users who stop using this feature of the application are getting stuck at this point. Shall I show you how to solve it?” In short, human-understandable conclusions.

Take us through your observations on the state of salestech and how you see AI impacting the segment today?

Naturally AI is having a big impact on sales tech because AI is having a big impact on every sector of tech. I see a lot of this energy being directed towards trend forecasting – AI as a crystal ball, if you will. Some of those tactics are more effective than others. We’re also seeing automation take over data entry, freeing up sales teams and their interns’ time, which is always a positive development.

Product Fruits help create onboarding flows to improve adoption, conversion, and retention, without any coding.

Karel Papik, is co-founder of Product Fruits

Episode 205 of The SalesStar Podcast: Driving Sales and Marketing Engagement with Video-Audio Outreach: Featuring Michael Litt, CEO at Vidyard

$1.6 million$3.5 millionActionable InsightsAdoptionAI modelAI-driven digital adoption platformsanalytical toolsanalyticsAnnouncementapplicationco-founder of Product FruitsConversionCrystal Balldata entryDigital Adoption Platforms (DAP)engaging contenthuman-understandable conclusionsInterviewinterviewsKarel PapikLighthouse VenturesLVRGonboardingonboarding processonboarding seamlessphilosophypositive developmentproduct adoptionProduct Fruitsproduct managerprovide guidanceRequirementsretentionSales TeamsSales Techseed-investment round investorsuser journeysusersVenture to Future FundVideos