Leading Remote Sales Teams and Maximizing Global Sales

Leading Remote Sales Teams and Maximizing Global Sales

With the rise in remote work since the pandemic, organizations with sales teams have adapted to leading remote teams across the globe. While there has been a recent push for some companies’ teams to return to the office, and 73% of fully remote workers have done so for at least one day per week, global remote teams remain a strong consideration for many companies.

The future of sales is clearly digital, and remote selling has many benefits that organizations are quickly realizing. Several surveys have indicated that customers prefer virtual sales to in-person, and many teams have worked to sharpen their virtual sales skills to pivot toward their customers’ preferences.

With remote sales teams, you can sell to anyone, anywhere in the world, without the worry of constrictions from location or time zones. Cost savings on a brick-and-mortar office is another benefit of remote teams for sales-driven organizations, as operating and maintaining in-person offices can quickly become expensive — not to mention unnecessary with a remote team. In addition, remote sales teams allow companies to cast wide nets for recruiting and bring in only the best candidates for the organization.

So, how do managers of global sales teams direct their teams, keep them motivated, and maximize sales simultaneously? Here are some tips for leading your remote sales team and keeping your sales goals met quarter after quarter.

Recruiting, motivating, and nurturing your sales team

Building a strong global sales team begins with the recruitment, hiring, and onboarding process. Your organization should have a clear understanding of who you want to hire, what the company’s culture is like, and how to find people who fit its expectations. This requires a deep analysis of what team members have thrived within the organization, and who may not have worked well in an all-remote environment.

Once people are hired and properly trained, the motivation and nurturing of the team begins. Leaders should remain goal-orientated and be able to properly communicate goals — and strategies for reaching those goals — to their teams.

Regular meetings can also help with motivation within your sales team, as remote work can sometimes be lonely and isolating. Regular check-ins with the people working towards the same goals together can help foster a sense of camaraderie, even in a global team environment.

During these virtual meetings, celebrate the wins your team has generated, and recognize team members individually for their achievements. Give them the opportunity to speak to one another through programs such as Slack to further foster collaborative efforts.

Read More: SalesTechStar Interview with Dan Mitzner, CMO at Zenarate

Cultural diversity and sensitivity

When managing global sales teams, you’re dealing with a number of different cultures, time zones, ideas, and languages. Organizations must also remain sensitive to cultural differences, not only with their team, but with their customers as well. One key benefit of a global sales team is having a diverse group of employees who can appeal to a vast and diverse customer base, which further increases opportunities for sales and upsells.

With this in mind, managers of remote sales teams should have training on cultural sensitivity, and ensure an understanding of those differences within the organization’s leadership. Some cultures and religions celebrate special holidays that should be respected, and team members should be allowed to observe.

Additionally, when working with employees across different time zones, it can be challenging to have meetings at the same time every week. By recognizing the uniqueness of a diverse global team, leaders can leverage the diversity of their team as a core strength.

Digital tools

As remote work has increased exponentially in recent years, digital tools that help improve the efficiency and productivity of remote teams have improved greatly, such as sales management and video conferencing software. Organizations seeking to build strong remote teams and maximize their sales opportunities should take advantage of digital advancements whenever and however they can.

Ignoring technological shifts like these could end up leaving a remote sales team unprepared for the demands of today’s modern customers. CRMs, data analytic services, email marketing programs, and the most updated video conferencing programs are all tools that motivated, goal-orientated teams should utilize.

Communication and collaboration

Both communication within sales teams and to their target customer market is likely the most important aspect of the sales process, whether remote or in-person. Sales is all about effective communication, which is why your direct sales team should be communication experts.

Communication within the team — as well as between leaders and team members — is also crucial for success. Team members should have all of the tools at their disposal to effectively communicate, including scheduling programs, team communication programs, task management programs, video communication tools, and more.

An environment of collaboration should also be cultivated within the team. The best leaders recognize that each team member has their own unique skills and expertise they bring to the table. Combining those skills and encouraging team members to come together, engage with customers, and land sales only increases their chances of success.

The world of remote work is here to stay. In fact, one survey from July 2023 showed a staggering 90% of responding sales teams worked remotely — and intended to stay that way. Leaders must acknowledge this change and work on building strong teams focused on organizational goals and open, productive communication.

Read More: Remote Work Is Alive and Kicking… if Done Well 

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