Mobivity’s Trusted Redemption™ Technology Awarded Patent from U.S. Patent & Trademark Office

Digital Redemption Technology Delivers Real-Time Offer Attribution and Ensures One-Time Use to Mitigate Coupon Fraud

Mobivity Holdings Corp., a global provider of personalized guest engagement solutions that drive customer frequency and spend, announced that the United States Patent & Trademark Office has awarded Mobivity’s Trusted Redemption™ technology U.S. Patent 10,949,868, allowing brick and mortar brands to accurately accept and track omnichannel coupon redemptions at the point of sale (POS) without requiring POS system integration.

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“Generous offers help move the needle with lapsed or infrequent customers, but restaurants and other brick and mortar brands are very cautious with them because ROI can be difficult to track and offer misuse cuts into the bottom line,” said Dennis Becker, Mobivity Chairman & CEO. “With our patented redemption technology, Mobivity can assure brands of one-time offer use, with attribution and without the need to be integrated with their POS system.”

Available via its SmartMessageTM and Unified Offers™ solutions, Mobivity’s patented Trusted Redemption technology enables marketers to tie every text, email, push notification, broadcast and social media offer and message to an in-store transaction, which enables precise calculation of return on marketing spend. Built-in capabilities for capturing date, time, location and offer in real-time enables a seamless guest experience while providing accurate promotion attribution and preventing coupon fraud and abuse.

“Our deep expertise in working with brick-and-mortar brands helped inform the development of this technology which has now tracked more than 50 million redemptions,” added Becker. “Brands need to know more than clicks, and our POS-agnostic implementation allows us to stand up a new program in under 90-days.”

Mobivity’s patented Trusted Redemption technology features:

  • Precise Promotion & Offer Attribution – Marketers are able to tie every message and offer to an in-store or online redemption across every channel and can analyze redemptions nationally, regionally, by market, by franchisee or store.
  • POS-Independent Support – Brands can set up and receive redemption data for every store, regardless of POS provider and platform. The technology supports manual redemption tracking, scannable offer codes and other in-store and online redemptions.
  • Built-In Fraud Protection – A unique landing page link and countdown offer timer plus real-time redemption support for unified creation and management of trackable offer codes enables marketers to personalize offers based on past purchase behavior while ensuring one-time use to minimize unauthorized coupon sharing and redemptions.
  • Support for Advanced Attribution – With the option to add POS data, brands can match the day, time and location of offer redemptions to POS data helping calculate ROI and inform promotion strategies.

Mobivity SmartMessage and Unified Offers with Trusted Redemption technology is a part of Mobivity’s highly extensible, enterprise-grade Unified Guest Engagement Platform that can be shared corporate wide and at the local franchise level.

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