COVID-19: 3 Big Sales Lessons to be Learnt from the Current Global Pandemic

Have you been crushing it in technology sales so far and has the current global pandemic due to the novel coronavirus impacted your sales process and outcomes? These 3 sales lessons can help you ride through  rough times!

One of the rapidly growing careers in technology today, due to the constant innovations across segments like HRTech, FinTech, Martech and more, is sales. Sales people in tech are exposed to a variety of career options today given the rise and growth of tech startups and the changing dynamics within this sphere – it’s common to see senior sales leaders move from one niche to the other with ease. Primarily because the fundamentals remain the same.

The current pandemic is already showing signs of slowing down business growth and world economies. Some of the first roles or industries’ to be impacted can be sales.

But here’s where a little creativity and strategic thinking can help any technology sales leader and their team ride through these rough waters.


1- Being At The Right Place At The Right Time!

The Zoom videoconferencing app has recently become a buzzword in technology sales and marketing because of the need for employees globally to now rely on video conferencing tools for internal meetings and client conversations or sales pitches.

Zoom was founded in 2011, not very long ago, and has been a popular go-to meeting app for sales and marketing teams for a while. However, the sudden increase in popularity and downloads are primarily due to the need for global employees to ensure business continuity while using virtual tools to keep their sales conversations going.

Read More: How To Increase Your Remote Sales Team’s Productivity

This is the perfect example of how being at the right place at the right time works! And there are several other proven examples of this, when India suddenly announced a demonetization policy a few years ago, fintech apps that helped enable seamless digital payments like PayTm became a hit overnight – why was that? Well, they were at the right place, at the right time! They had the right features and product offerings to give users exactly what they’d need at a time of a crisis.

2- You can Be a Successful Sales person, if you Learn how to Sell from Anywhere!

Product demo tools, interactive PPTs, personalized video-messages that help start better prospecting conversations are just some of the ways technology sales people can #stayhome and capitalize on the current situation.

Most technology leaders will tell you that you don’t need a range of sophisticated sales technology to enable you to sell better, what you do need is the right balance between your sales cadence, sales message or strategy complimented by the use of the right salestech stack to help you extract the best outcomes. Investing in tools that help you understand where your prospects are in the buying journey or using sophisticated purchase intent data tools to decode buying triggers and signals are crucial here.

Listen to what Martech thought-leader David Lewis has to say about this:

3 – A Salesperson’s Best Friend is Social Media!

LinkedIN is a proven platform and said to be the #1 channel B2B marketers use to distribute content. Sales and Marketing leaders, even influencers are always actively using creative ways to capitalize on the potential reach the platform can offer.

Creating your own following which sharing your own lessons in sales is one way to capitalize on the potential reach that the platform has to offer, the idea is to stay active, share information that can add value to users without trying to initiate a direct sales conversation with a prospect, unless they give you signals that they are open to hearing about your product.

Need some creative tips on using videos to drive your sales prospecting efforts while working from home? Listen to what Tyler Lessard, VP of Marketing at Vidyard has to say:

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