Video Prospecting for Salespeople – Why More Sellers Should Use Video in 2023

Videos; they are the most popular tools in recent times.

A video is a remarkable way to increase brand awareness and capture the attention of potential customers. Nevertheless, do you know it can act as an enabled for your sales team? Videos will make sales prospecting easy and help your sales reps build a strong rapport with their leads and bring new clients on board.

Statistics from a renowned source reflect that 41% of companies agree that they make sales videos, and 81% agree that videos help them bring more sales conversations to the table. Also, 90% of sales professionals use videos to qualify leads and influence deals.

That said, let us give you a brief idea about video prospecting here.

Video Prospecting – a Quick Brief

We all know what sales prospecting is. Video prospecting is taking a step beyond and reaching out to potential customers using a video message. It is a different approach than other methods like cold calling and emails.

Incorporating video prospecting into your sales processes is not rocket science. It is a simple method that yields powerful results. Video prospecting will help you stay at the top of the competition.

Using videos in lead generation efforts can help brands to better engage with the prospects and increase the likelihood of them becoming customers.

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Why should you Incorporate Video Prospecting in 2023?

Everyone likes to watch videos, and as people are always inclined to watch videos, what’s the harm in using them as a sales prospecting channel?


Here are five good reasons that will compel you to add videos to your sales processes:

1. Videos break through cluttered Inboxes

Open your email after a week, and you will see an ocean of useful and not-so-useful emails. However, if you find an interactive video email in this list, you will be tempted to open that first. The same will happen to your video prospecting email. Not only will a video email increase the response rates, but it will also make your recipient more likely to retain the message you conveyed.

Compared to a text-based email, video emails work better.

2. Creates a long-lasting bond

Long ago, many brands moved to virtual selling. Whether it is B2B or B2C, every marketer and sales person is dependent upon virtual selling. Since virtual selling has saved these brands with the T&E budgets, sales reps must take responsibility to come up with creative ideas to interact with the audience. Against routine and mundane long text messages, a video message will surely stand out.

Video messages can connect with the audience emotionally.

3. Complex topics can be explained easily

Think of the time when you typed a long-form text to explain a process. Now imagine how much time you would take the explain the same process through a video. We believe you have understood what we mean to say here.

It is easier to convey your thoughts with the help of a video. Video offers you the liberty to show, and not just tell. Videos help you explain concepts in a better way.

Videos can crystallize complex procedures effortlessly.

4. Videos save your time

So, you have a product to sell, and fortunately, the product offers ample advantages to the users. Instead of creating a piece of content for the users to read, you can simply create a voice-over video to share the benefits of the product. While many people would love to read about the benefits, many of them who would recall a video explaining the benefits of a product.

Communication is easy with video messages.

5. You can accelerate your Sales Cycle

Video sales prospecting is powerful and it will move your deals faster. Videos can be used as collaboration tools; they are available on-demand and can also be shared with stakeholders in multi-thread accounts.

Initially, you can remove time to create a content library for your products and crisp down the content for video scripts depending on the targeted deals. This will save you time in the future.

Videos help to cut the deal cycles by half.

End note

Video prospecting is something no brand can remain oblivious of. Due to the appealing nature of videos, they grab people’s attention. Thus, videos are potent tools for generating leads and conversions.

Before you kick off your sales journey for 2023, abreast yourself with video sales prospecting, and ensure that you make the most of the coming year.

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2023AudienceB2BB2CBrand awarenessClientscold callingcommunicationcompetitionComplex topicsconceptsContentDeal CyclesFeaturedinboxesLeadslong-lasting bondmarketerpotential customers.productproduct offersrapportSales CycleSales Professionalssales prospectingsales prospecting toolsSalespeoplesellerstext messagestext-based emailTimeVideovideo emailsVideo prospectingvirtual selling