AutoVitals Introduces WebVitals, an Analytics Dashboard for Auto Repair Shops

The sleek, easy-to-use dashboard tracks a shop’s web analytics to provide digital insights and to help shop owners make informed business decisions.

AutoVitals – the only complete digital Shop Success Solution for the independent auto repair industry – announced the launch of its web dashboard, WebVitals, offering shop owner clients a user-friendly and transparent way to sort, filter, and visualize business data. AutoVitals is trusted by thousands of shop owners nationwide for their digital vehicle inspection and workflow management tools and also provides a digital marketing solution to help owners stay competitive online. Web.X enhances customer loyalty and retention through custom websites, online appointments, business listing, and review management, and it is available as a standalone product and also as part of their comprehensive shop success solution, DigitalShop.X.

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Investment in a shop’s online presence and related digital marketing tools helps independent shops attract prospects, build brand recognition, boost customer retention, and ultimately drive profitable growth. With the ability to track and manage their website performance through the WebVitals dashboard, shop owners can gain data insights to achieve revenue goals and measure overall shop success. 

“Updating to a modern, clean website is just the start with AutoVitals,” said Robert Allen, Senior Product Manager at AutoVitals. “The Web.X solution connects to our sophisticated appointment request system so communication across service advisors, technicians, and customers are seamless. Plus, the launch of our new WebVitals dashboard further streamlines our interconnected tools and solutions, so shop owners can spend less time managing multiple platforms and vendors.”

The WebVitals dashboard enables shop team members to see real-time changes to their digital presence and marketing efforts. The following sections are built for data at-a-glance and reporting:

  • Key Vitals: includes website traffic and the number of web appointments, calls and contact us form submissions
  • Shop Revenue: shows ARO and total revenue from all web and new web customers
  • Insights: provides at-a-glance overviews of website visits, traffic sources, and other crucial key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Google My Business: tracks listing views and phone calls made from Google searches
  • Google Lighthouse: scores your website in terms of performance, accessibility, and best practices
  • Google Ads: monitors analytics such as cost-per-click, conversion rates, and impressions

The custom websites that AutoVitals design and develop for their clients consistently ace the Google Lighthouse Performance test with near-perfect scores for SEO, performance, and consumer accessibility straight from Google itself.

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“Google is the digital king these days and we’ve purposefully designed WebVitals to help our shop owner clients keep track of how they perform and stack up in the digital space,” said Steve Noone, Web Design and Development Manager at AutoVitals. “We’re committed to providing solutions that give our clients a ‘complete look under the hood’ of their shop’s digital operations and a 360 view of their business.”

The WebVitals dashboard and the new reporting capabilities are available to AutoVitals customers immediately at no extra cost. 

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auto repair industryAutoVitalsClientsdigital ShopfilterLaunchNewsshop ownersorttransparentUser Friendlyvisualize business dataweb DashboardWebVitals