Survey By Contentful Identifies Digital Innovation Gap Between Leaders and Laggards

Contentful released results of the industry’s largest-ever survey of digital leaders and content creators. While 90% of respondents believe delivering digital experiences is important to business success, the survey found major differences in the digital capabilities of leaders and laggards.

The survey of more than 750 business and digital leaders, developers, and content creators reveals that brands struggle to deliver the digital experiences customers demand: slow time to market, high unit cost associated with creating new experiences and difficulty iterating plague the majority of business and digital leaders. For content creators and editors, the chief problems are controlling content across a host of channels and managing its consistency.

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“The disconnect between the experiences customers want and what brands can deliver is caused by a gap in companies’ digital capabilities,” said Steve Sloan, CEO of Contentful. “One of the clear impediments is last-generation legacy content management systems (CMSes). They hamper rapid creation and iteration of compelling digital experiences. The time to deliver these, especially in this rapidly changing market, has a real impact on revenue. The companies that prioritize speed and flexibility are outpacing their competitors and will be the leaders in the digital-first era.”

The survey also found a significant disconnect between the perceptions of digital leaders and content creators. For example, 72% of digital leaders believe their CMS is capable of managing omnichannel content, but only 34% of content creators agree.

Contentful, the global leader in omnichannel content platforms, powers digital experiences for 28% of the Fortune 500 and thousands of global brands. It’s leading the industry with a content platform that enables builders — developers, designers and content creators — to create and deliver digital experiences for any channel or device.

“This survey confirms what we hear from customers every day — that what got you here won’t lead to success in the future,” Sloan added. “Digital native companies such as direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands are upending traditional business models. By the same token, companies that adopt digital-first competency, fast, are disrupting companies moving slowly toward digital transformation. To accelerate, digital leaders need to empower the builders in their organizations — developers, content creators, and teams across every business unit — with the tools and processes they need to quickly create compelling digital conversations at scale.”

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