Mirriad Appoints Jana Eisenstein As President

Mirriad, a video technology business delivering next generation in-video branding and advertising, has appointed Jana Eisenstein as President of the company, it was announced today by Stephan Beringer, Mirriad‘s Chief Executive Officer.

Eisenstein has held senior roles in media, technology and advertising throughout the course of her career, building and scaling innovative companies and solutions. Most recently, she was Executive Vice President of Advertising Platform Solutions at ProSiebenSat.1, with responsibility for the media giant’s programmatic technology strategy and portfolio of adtech investments. She previously held a series of positions with global video advertising technology platform Videology, as well as at Microsoft Advertising, and mobile advertising pioneers ScreenTonic and 12snap.

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In this newly-created leadership role, Eisenstein is tasked with empowering Mirriad’s global growth strategy through cross-functional operational responsibility for the company’s processes, structures and commercial relationships. She will be accountable for the delivery of Mirriad’s ambitious financial targets, working in close cooperation with the Chief Executive Officer as the business looks to create demand at scale for its unique advertising solution across the world. Eisenstein will report directly to Beringer and will be based in Mirriad’s London headquarters.

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Stephan Beringer said: “Jana is an accomplished leader who knows exactly what it takes to grow and develop brands and platforms in this space, because she’s been doing throughout her career. There’s a clear opportunity right now for Mirriad to empower brands, agencies and content owners, creating value at every step of the advertising value chain, and driving significant revenues as a consequence. Jana’s experience and ability to galvanize people and teams to foster success will be critical to our ability to deliver on this vision.”

Jana Eisenstein said: “Mirriad is a fast-paced business that is looking to scale quickly on a global basis, and that’s an environment in which I have thrived during my career. The technology that underpins the business is incredibly impressive, and a lot of work has been done to embed Mirriad’s systems and processes with key players around the world. Now it’s time for Stephan, myself and the team to build on that foundation to enable meaningful and sustainable growth for all stakeholders.”

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Jana EisensteinMicrosoft AdvertisingMirriadNewsStephan Beringer
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